Teaching Our Children to be Good Digital Citizens: Working Together to Prevent Cyberbullying and Sexting: A presentation for parents/guardians of children in grades PreK-12 - Featuring Dr. Elizabeth Englander - Director of Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center and nationally-recognized expert in the areas of bullying and cyberbullying, childhood causes of aggression and abuse, and children’s use of technology. Brookline High Auditorium, Monday December 10, 6-8pm.
The price of cool: A teenager, a Juul and nicotine addiction - The New York Times- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/16/health/vaping-juul-teens-addiction-nicotine.html
BHS Career Counseling presents….Do you want to learn about Homeland Security? OR be a Transportation Security Agent? OR just want to learn more about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)?
Come to the TSA presentation on Thursday 12/6 during X block in rm 279! Munchkins will be provided for those who attend!
Want a different place to eat lunch?
You are invited to come to room 277 on Fridays to hangout, play games, and meet some new people. Bring your lunch, snacks provided!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Georgia Tech University Admissions blog – Ways to Prepare for EA/ED decisions:
SENIORS – READ YOUR EMAIL IF YOU HAVE APPLIED TO COLLEGE! Set up and check your portal for each college. If you have questions, students should be contacting the admissions offices, not parents….. See this article for more info about documents to college - http://admitted.nacacnet.org/wordpress/index.php/2018/11/21/parents-before-you-yell-at-your-childs-school-counselor/
If you change your admissions requests or decide not to apply to a college on your original transcript release form, PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR COUNSELOR OR STOP BY ROOM 161 (Main Guidance Office) so we can update your requests.
Transcript release / Teacher-Counselor Recommendation Deadlines UPDATE:
If you have college applications with a Dec 1, Dec 15, or January 1 deadlines – your transcript release form and other important documents are now overdue. See you counselor and teachers tomorrow (Monday)!
January 1 deadlines IMPORTANT NOTE -- counselors, teachers, admins, and admin assts in Guid are NOT in the office over the December break from Dec 22 – Jan 1 so late requests cannot be managed during this time. Get your materials, requests to counselors, teachers by Nov 30 so we can help you!)
Upcoming due dates:
College deadline BHS Deadline
December 15 Monday, November 19
January 1 Friday, November
January 15 Monday, December 10
Resume Writing Drop In Hours for 11th and 12th graders:
Need help with your starting a resume, learning what a resume is, or just help editing what you already have? Come see Ms. Cordner in Room 279/280 Wednesdays during 1st and 2nd lunch or Thursdays from 8- 8:20am!
ALL JUNIORS! PSAT results will be released beginning approximately December 10-12, 2018 to students online.
Junior Year Calendar and Standardized College Admissions Testing presentation - Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 7 pm, in the BHS Auditorium - BHS Guidance Department with Lenny Libenzon, BHS College Counselor, will go over the Junior Year Calendar, and Drew Heilpern from Summit Educational Group will talk about the different types of standardized tests that our juniors take (SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT, AP). This night is open to junior and sophomore students and their parents/caregivers. Please note that BHS does not specifically promote any outside testing prep companies, but appreciates their information sharing for this event.
Special presentation before this event on December 11, 2018 – Please come early…Why Students Need to Rethink Social Media in 2018! Today, both colleges and employers are actively looking at students' social media profiles. Many employers are using third-party background screening companies as part of their hiring process. Legally, these companies can look at up to seven years of internet and social media history, which means what students are posting today may be part of a social media audit that could affect their prospective employment opportunities. Join Robin Clebnik, Career Exploration Expert and founder of InternBoston, as she explains exactly what information prospective schools and employers are looking for, as well as how students can use social media to build an authentic, discoverable and informative digital presence. There’s time for a Q + A at the end of the talk and all participants will receive a digital copy of this presentation.
Freshman Guidance Seminars Round 2 begins in Advisories during the weeks of 11/20 – 12/18.
- Resources at BHS
- Recap BHS grad requirements
- January Midyear Exams overview
- Naviance Log In