Test Planning Worksheet
Summit Presentation PPT
On December 13, BHS Guidance Department held the Standardized Testing Night for parents and students. Below are some of the materials from the presentation. Test Planning Worksheet Summit Presentation PPT **************************************************************************
Helpful advice for Early Application Decision Disappointments- Please read! College Admissions Decisions for Early Applications – a helpful article: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/college-admission-disappointment-a-parents-guide_us_5877aaa5e4b086a337b6f6d9 Students with January 1, 2, or 15 application deadlines – YOUR TRANSCRIPT RELEASE FORMS ARE OVERDUE! If you have any of these college application deadlines, please see your counselor tomorrow (Monday). We will try to help you with sending out the school documents needed for those deadlines, but if you are late, we can not guarantee that we can get everything sent by this Friday 12/22. Keep in mind that BHS Counselors/Teachers/ Office Administrative Assistants/Coordinator are all on vacation after Friday so no materials can be sent out over break. Your responsibility:
Below are the documents from our PTO Discussion:
PSAT scores are out this week and Mr. Libenzon will hold a session explaining how to look at the scores during X-block in room 279 this Thursday, December 14. If you are unable to attend, we highly recommend the video below, recorded by Westborough HS Counseling Department. If you've missed the MEFA College Financing Seminar (10/18/17), below is the link to the video recording of the presentation |
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February 2025