Please check out this MA Educational Financing Authority website link below for information on this important topic-
The BHS Guidance/Counseling Dept tried to have this informative evening presentation taped to share for folks who could not attend, but BIG was not able to cover this event.
Please check out this MA Educational Financing Authority website link below for information on this important topic- Welcome back from April Break!
Seniors Please update your Naviance account with your college/ post high school planning decisions! Juniors Please consider: "To the Editor: I wish I had realized sooner that where you go to college is not nearly as important as what you do when you get there. I think a lot of us seniors worried that we’d end up at a safety school without considering the benefits. If I could get a do-over, I would have looked at more schools where I could have been a big fish in a small pond and taken more leadership opportunities, instead of only focusing on a school’s pedigree. AMELIA REUBEN, WASHINGTON The writer will be in the class of 2022 at American University." Excerpt from New York Times Op Ed 4/21/18 - College Admissions: Let's Stop the Stress! After the College Acceptance/ Paying the Bill Seminar: On Monday, April 9 at 7 pm in the Roberts Dubbs Auditorium, BHS Guidance will host a presenter from Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) who will provide critical information for seniors and their parents-caretakers about college financial aid award letters. This seminar is designed to help students and families examine and compare financial aid awards, calculate the balance due at each school, and develop a plan to pay the bill at your selected college or university.
First BHS Jobs/ Career Fair! All students should check this out! This Thursday, April 12, 10:30am -12:30pm ~Stop by the QUAD (or Atrium/MLK if bad weather)~ - FREE food and prizes - an opportunity to make $ this summer - a chance to learn about different career opportunities, networking, and jobs in and around the Brookline community We hope to see you there! Seniors and Families
College Decisions have now mostly been shared.... The BHS Guidance/Counseling Dept wants to congratulate all students who have worked hard and gained admission to a college of their choice! We are also pleased to hear about students who are choosing to head out to work next year or dedicating themselves to a quality gap year experience or other worthy post grad opportunity! If you have questions about about your next steps, please find your guidance counselor, Mr Libenzon - College Counselor, Ms Cordner - Career Counselor. We will be reaching out to any senior who has not been in contact with their counselor about a definitive plan after graduation, so we can provide assistance in whatever way seems helpful. |
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January 2025