Additional documents:
Drew's Presentation
Lenny's Presentation
Summit's College Admission Testing Guide
Summit's Free Practice Tests
If you've missed our presentation last night, below is the link for the recording: Additional documents: Drew's Presentation Lenny's Presentation Summit's College Admission Testing Guide Summit's Free Practice Tests Quarter 1 ends on 11/5. Many students (and staff) are finding this year to be more challenging academically, socially, and emotionally than expected due the shift from remote/hybrid learning to back in-person. School leaders, teachers, student support staff and students are actively discussing and working on how to manage the learning and community building of BHS in a productive, successful, and caring way for all.
Please note that Monday November 1 will be a BHS Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS If a student has questions/concerns/or just wants to say hello to their counselor, please encourage your student to stop by their counselor’s office when not in class. Gr 10-12 counselors are doing their best to support all of their students. Students should still contact their counselor for any questions or concerns – school related, post high school planning related, extracurricular activities related, or life related. If a counselor is not available when a student stops by their office, PLEASE leave a note or send an email. Counselors are nonstop with meetings in and out of their offices due to the significant number of BHS seniors now applying early to colleges for 11/1 and 11/15 deadlines. They are working closely with these students for advising and counselor recommendation writing. If a student issue is urgent, please indicate URGENT in the email heading. Thanks for your understanding! We’re here and ready to support EVERY BHS student! Thank you BHS PTO for nourishing the teachers and support staff at the high school with the Friday breakfast! This effort was greatly appreciated!
Since the midpoint of Quarter 1 was last week, teachers completed mid-quarter IPRs (Interim Progress Reports) for students which were added to the student/parent portals on Friday. These IPRs offer an excellent opportunity for parents/caregivers to discuss the successes that a student is experiencing with school and provide a morale boost for classes that may not be going smoothly. Students can still improve academic work between now and the Quarter 1 end date of 11/5. These BHS Counseling Dept Weekly Update emails are sent to all students and the 1st contact parent/guardian listed on the students’ X2 accounts. Below is the link for the Senior Parent Coffee Q&A session from this morning. Lenny's presentation is available here. Passcode: 3^4M@!sV The midpoint of Quarter 1 is this week. Teachers are completing mid-quarter IPRs (Interim Progress Reports) for students by this Thurs 10/14 and these IPRs will be shared on student and parent portals this Friday 10/15. These IPRs offer an excellent opportunity for parents/caregivers to discuss the successes that a student is experiencing with school and provide a morale boost for classes that may not be going smoothly. Students can still improve academic work between now and the Quarter 1 end date of 11/5. If a student has questions/concerns/or just wants to say hello to their counselor, please encourage your student to stop by their counselor’s office when not in class. Gr 10-12 counselors are doing their best to support all of their students. Students should still contact their counselor for any questions or concerns – school related, post high school planning related, extracurricular activities related, or life related. If a counselor is not available when a student stops by their office, PLEASE leave a note or send an email. Counselors are nonstop with meetings in and out of their offices due to the significant number of BHS seniors now applying early to colleges for 11/1 and 11/15 deadlines. They are working closely with these students for advising and counselor recommendation writing. If a student issue is urgent, please indicate URGENT in the email heading. Thanks for your understanding! We’re here and ready to support EVERY BHS student! Parents and Students are invited to participate in the virtual panel discussion of college admissions. Admission representatives will give updates about their schools and then answer audience questions. This fall, we have five colleges in attendance: Boston University, Northeastern, Mass Bay Community College, UMass Amherst, University of Vermont
Topic: College Admissions Panel Zoom Time: Oct 7, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) The recording of the session is available here (note that you will need to enter the passcode): Passcode: xdgDf2$D It’s October and that means it’s Mental Health Awareness month. I read this on my social media page and it hit home to me, so I share with you:
What is Love? by Emma K, age 6 – “Love is when you’re missing some of your teeth but you’re not afraid to smile because you know your friends will still love you even though some of you is missing.” Kindness, grace and compassion matter. This is THE most important! These BHS Counseling Dept Weekly Update emails are sent to all students and the 1st contact parent/guardian listed on the students’ X2 accounts. If a student has questions/concerns/or just wants to say hello to their counselor, please encourage your student to stop by their counselor’s office when not in class. We’re here and ready to support EVERY BHS student! |
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