Since the midpoint of Quarter 1 was last week, teachers completed mid-quarter IPRs (Interim Progress Reports) for students which were added to the student/parent portals on Friday.
These IPRs offer an excellent opportunity for parents/caregivers to discuss the successes that a student is experiencing with school and provide a morale boost for classes that may not be going smoothly. Students can still improve academic work between now and the Quarter 1 end date of 11/5.
These BHS Counseling Dept Weekly Update emails are sent to all students and the 1st contact parent/guardian listed on the students’ X2 accounts.
If a student has questions/concerns/or just wants to say hello to their counselor, please encourage your student to stop by their counselor’s office when not in class. Gr 10-12 counselors are doing their best to support all of their students. Students should still contact their counselor for any questions or concerns – school related, post high school planning related, extracurricular activities related, or life related. If a counselor is not available when a student stops by their office, PLEASE leave a note or send an email. Counselors are nonstop with meetings in and out of their offices due to the significant number of BHS seniors now applying early to colleges for 11/1 and 11/15 deadlines. They are working closely with these students for advising and counselor recommendation writing. If a student issue is urgent, please indicate URGENT in the email heading. Thanks for your understanding!
We’re here and ready to support EVERY BHS student!
All NEW UPDATES will be highlighted in BLUE each week for easy scanning of newest info.
The College and Career Center at Brookline High School is seeking community support for our Career Exploration and Immersion Program (CEIP). The goal of the CEIP is to build intentional connections between the professional expertise in our community and the students, teachers, and programs who seek understanding of and experience with the current professional landscape. The CEIP focuses on a two-fold mission: to bring experts into classrooms and/or the Career Center, as well as to bring students into the professional setting through career exploration and immersion activities.
*By completing this survey you also will become a contact on the BHS community database so that your contact information can be used in future years by BHS Staff.
And the link:
Continuing to share information about resources and updates on student support at BHS:
- BHS Counselor caseloads so far this school year –
- full caseload for Gr 9 counselors are over 200 students
- full caseload counselors for Gr 10-12 are averaging 180 students
- Go to the Aspen X2 portal to locate your student’s counselor or call 617-713-5016/5015
- Remember to go to the BHS homepage for all sorts of good information from the BHS Playbook to PSB Calendar and updated BHS Schedule links to Work Permit info to links to the Sagamore – Award winning school newspaper which shares BHS Need-to-Know information both virtually and in paper over the school year.
- Charlie Cards are available for BHS students. Student needs to stop by the BHS Main Office off the 115 atrium and talk to Ms Keaveney
- And…. Check out the BHS Guidance website – link always noted at the top of every Weekly Update for current and previous dept goings-on
Parents Supporting Parents (part of the BRYT Central organization) – Free weekly virtual parent/guardian support group offerings. Join once or become a regular. The offerings include two weekly virtual groups for ALL caregivers and one for BIPOC parents, plus a virtual group for Spanish speaking caregivers coming soon. All caregivers need a little support in their role! Flyer is attached.
Hungry? Please check out-
- Brookline Thrives, a free weekend food program for students, starts Friday, September 17. Thrives is available to any family who may benefit from additional food options over the weekend. There are no financial qualifications. Register your student to receive Thrives bags at school on Fridays or pick up bags in person on Fridays from 5-6pm at 226 High Street, Community Room or 55R Egmont Street, Community Room. Go to for details, register, or get involved.
- USDA announces free lunches for any Brookline student for this school year 2021-22, regardless of meal eligibility – go to
L Grade, Curriculum Level Changes and Class Drop Timelines:
For class drops (with end of term is Friday Nov 5):
* For changing of classes, 12/1 will be the deadline for curriculum level changes for full year classes. After that date, a special action form is needed and W on transcript.
* For non-full year courses, the deadline for a semester course will be 10/22 (one week after the IPR of quarter 1). After that date, the course will be on the transcript with a W.
L grade (Late entry) :
- “L” Grade – The “L” grade occurs if a student makes a course level change within the last ten class periods at the end of a marking period - by this Friday10/22, they will receive an L on their transcript for that term grade in the NEW course. The “L” stands for late entry. This policy is particularly important for SENIORS to be aware of since the L grade may appear on transcripts sent to colleges for Term 1.
Counselors work closely with students to be sure students are considering their graduation credit progress over 4 years at BHS. Students are required to have a minimum of 22 overall credits to graduate with the following specific academic credits. Contact your counselor with any questions or concerns.
English- 4 credits
Science - 3 credits
Social Studies/History - 3 credits including US History
Math - 3 credits (4 years required for UMass State colleges/universities)
World Language - 2 credits (same language)
Elective - 3 credits distributed across Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Career/Tech, Community Service
Wellness - .5 Lifetime Wellness/Integrated Wellness, 3 - .25 wellness credits
+ additional credits to earn minimum total credits of 22
Asian American Womxn in Leadership Conference (AAWIL) hosted by Asian Sisters Participating in Reaching Excellence is offering high school women/womxn to attend a free 13th annual conference with the theme Your World, Your Oyster, seeking to empower and inspire attendees to chase after their dreams and goals. We wish for this conference to be a checkpoint for all of us in a fast-paced world that often leaves us feeling exhausted. In hopes of creating meaningful connections through storytelling and creative events, we invite your students to our virtual space from November 5th to 7th. The 2.5 day leadership conference invites Asian American womxn, allies and supporters of the Asian American womxn community to learn, listen, and contribute.
This year’s conference will kick off with an Opening Ceremony on Friday evening before launching into a series of keynote sessions, speaker sessions, and workshops. On Saturday, sessions will be centered around introspection and personal reflection, prompting attendees to look inwards and identify what their passions and motivations are. On Sunday, sessions will lend attendees valuable tools and takeaways to help actuate their goals before concluding with a Closing Ceremony. Given our virtual modality again this year, we are excited to announce that participants can register for free -
See the attached flyer about the AAWIL conference! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
BHS Help Centers for Math and World Lang – 2021-22 School Year are attached to this email.
BHS Club Fair was well-attended and full of positive energy! If students need club information, it is always available here: This list is for 21-22 clubs.
The Club Fair slideshow has also been released via Canvas to students. Students can access/re-access more information on how to join, etc. As more clubs update, we will update the presentation.
MassBay Community College STEM Stories Virtual Program is happening again this Fall 2021
This year marks the second year of MassBay's Virtual STEM Stories Program! Participants meet STEM faculty, staff, students, graduates and industry professionals to learn about innovative STEM programs at MassBay, resources and supports for MassBay STEM students and are introduced to some exciting career opportunities in the STEM fields.
High school students, teachers and administrators are invited to attend one of these virtual STEM Division information Sessions that will be held monthly throughout the Fall semester on Zoom. Our first program will launch during STEM week on October 21st. Go to these links to register:
- MassBay STEM Stories: Start Here. Go Anywhere. Session 1
Thursday, October 21st | 1:00 PM EST -
- MassBay STEM Stories: Start Here. Go Anywhere. Session 2
Tuesday, November 17th | 12:00 PM -
- MassBay STEM Stories: Start Here. Go Anywhere. Session 3
Wednesday, December 15th 11:00 AM -
PSB can offer financial assistance for school activities to qualified families
● Go to this PSB link -
● The form can be filled out on your computer and, with the supporting documents, emailed to [email protected]. We accept photos and scans of all the documents. ● You can contact your school's secretary if you need help emailing the documents. ● This application procedure covers most school fees in the full school year: fees for Athletics, Instrumental Music, and other program and field trip fees.
● This application procedure covers Brookline Early Education Program Tuition. ● This application procedure does not cover optional field trips or programs and school lunch, which require a separate application for Free/Reduced fees
● In order to maintain your eligibility for this school year, you MUST submit a new application, along with current supporting documents.
Social Lunch/ Lunch Lounge is back at BHS - 115 campus! 9th grade Social Lunch has begun at the OLS campus every Wednesday.
Social Lunch/ Lunch Lounge is offered for all of the students who may or may not have some social connections in classes, including new to BHS students. It is a welcoming, inclusive drop-in lunch community that engages kids with the “social scaffolding” of friendly conversation, other kids interested in making friends, and a warm and familiar staff member. At this time, Lunch Lounge is offered for these lunch blocks in Room 277 (Updated Location):
Week A - Monday E -Lunch B only
Wednesday C - Lunch A and B
Friday D - Lunch A and B
Week B - Monday E - Lunch B will start week of 9/20
Wed C - Lunch A and B
Friday D - Lunch A and B
Community Service Opportunities for BHS Students:
Greater Brookline area community service opportunities – Check out Teen Life by copying and pasting this link-
Brookline Thrives Volunteer Opportunities
Brookline Thrives has many volunteer opportunities available to BHS students. Pack bags, restock inventory, or even help with Friday distribution. View and sign up at this link -
All volunteers must be at least 15 years old.
FAFSA Festival sponsored by MEFA (MA Educational Financing Agency) and the BHS Guidance Dept - this Tuesday 10/19 from 4-8pm. See the attached flyer for information on how to register for virtual 1:1 FAFSA completion support.
Parents of Seniors - Do you have any questions about the college process? Here is the recording link of the October 14 Q and A session for BHS parents and guardians led by Lenny Libenzon, BHS College Counselor -
Passcode: 3^4M@!sV
The powerpoint presentation can be found here -
Are you a senior who plans to apply to one or more of the UMass State Colleges or Universities? Would you like to be eligible for a Koplik Certificate of Mastery that can reduce tuition costs? To be eligible, seniors will need to take the November 2021 MCAS test. Please email Lisa Gaffney ([email protected]) if you would like your senior to register for this MCAS test. It will mean that a student would miss about 2.5 hours of class/day over 4 days in November to take these tests. These absences will be considered excused absences if a senior decides to test.
There may be a March 2022 MCAS test offered for eligibility as well, but that decision will not been made until January 2022.
Attention Seniors: Deadlines by Jan 3, 2022- Here is the latest information on steps for you to take for your senior yearbook:
- Lifetouch/Prestige Portraits regarding your Senior Portrait appointment. Please contact Ms Lynn, the BHS yearbook advisor, with any question at [email protected]. Due to Covid-19, Lifetouch/Prestige Portrait will not be allowing walk-in sessions. We ask that each student use their unique Confirmation Code to schedule and confirm an appointment online. To confirm or change the appointment date and time, please log onto and enter your confirmation code into the grey box. Students MUST “confirm” their appointment date & time at which is available to them 24/7 for their convenience. Spots have been filling up quickly and Lifetouch strongly recommends you confirm an appointment as soon as you receive a card to get the date/time they prefer. Having knowledge of this process will allow Lifetouch to take proper precautions and give an amazing experience to all.
- We also encourage everyone to order a yearbook. – copy/paste -
The only way to guarantee that you will get a yearbook is to order one. You will find all of the information you need about getting your yearbook, placing ads, donations and discounts on the Yearbook page of the BHS website. – copy/paste
- Senior Yearbook Materials - Due Jan 3 Use this form (copy/paste - to submit the following materials:
1. A high quality senior portrait.
- Image file must be at least 1MB
- Image files must be JPEG or PNG.
- No screenshots or HEIC files please
- Files must be named lastname_firstname
- File must be at least 1MB
- Image files must be JPEG or PNG
- Files must be named lastname_firstname_baby
- Choose a quote to go below your picture.
- A list of your BHS activities
- Character Limit Including Spaces: 270
Senior Portrait Options
- Hire a Prestige photographer:
- Book a free photoshoot with a Brookline Lens student: email [email protected]
- You can also hire a professional photographer or create DIY senior portraits.
SENIORS FILLING OUT THE BHS TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORMS – Please be sure to add complete full college names and addresses on this form (not just use zip codes). With so many colleges having multiple campuses, it is sometimes impossible to know which location you are applying. Not doing this step completely holds up your paperwork processing on our end. Thank you!
Counselors of seniors continue to join senior advisories through November to share senior’s unofficial transcripts for review plus continue information sharing and support regarding the post high school planning process.
Virtual College Rep Visits continue for BHS seniors Mon –Thurs from 4-8pm. These reps come specifically to talk to you and answer your questions. It is a great opportunity for you to connect to colleges without traveling! You are required to sign up for visits through Naviance ( If you need help logging in to Naviance, email Lenny Libenzon or your counselor. Seniors can attend any and all college sessions of schools they plan to or are interested in attending. This is a wonderful way to learn more about colleges, ask important questions, and show demonstrated interest!
Application Essay Questions? The 18th Annual Brookline High School College Essay Writing Workshop was held this past Saturday. Big thanks to all parents, BHS staff, and community members as well as seniors who participated!
Other application essay writing support at BHS:
- Check in with your counselor or Mr Libenzon (BHS College Counselor) for essay support too!
- We continue to recommend the College Essay Guy website for lots of great FREE advice for seniors and essay writing suggestions -
- Look at this 8 minute youtube video on College Essay Mistakes (and how to avoid them) offers some excellent considerations as you start/work on/finish your college application essay -
- And another 2 minute youtube on the topic The Dangers of Getting Personal Statement Feedback From Too Many People - Meet Pete the Cate… I know. You’ll get it when you watch
SENIORS– READ YOUR EMAILS! Especially if you are applying to college this Fall!
College Application Reminders:
Help the BHS counselors and teachers support your application process by meeting these deadlines. Submit your electronic transcript release forms, your
self-questionnaire, your parent/caregiver’s “brag” sheet, and give notice to your teachers who have agreed to write recommendations for you.
If you have a college deadline for Nov 1 or earlier, then you are late in meeting the BHS deadline. Please see your counselor in the next few days.
College Deadline BHS Deadline
November 15 Monday, Oct 18
December 1 Tuesday, Nov 2
December 15 Monday, November 15
January 1 Monday, November 29 (includes no school December break)
January 15 Monday, December 13
February 1 Wednesday, January 5
February 15 Tuesday, January 18
Seniors – When submitting your transcript release forms electronically, please:
● use the updated transcript release link shared by your counselor
● be sure to list your college names and addresses CORRECTLY AS THEY APPEAR OFFICIALLY ON THE COLLEGE’S WEBSITE OR NAVIANCE. The processing of your request is slowed down by not including the official name of the college or putting in wrong information.
Interested in a Gap Year? Please refer to the Gap Year resources shared in Lenny Libenzon’s powerpoint mentioned above from the 9/9/21 senior parent presentation and also look into
BHS Guidance will be offering a Gap Year [virtual] Fair later this year on the evening of Tues January 18. More info to come!
As mentioned in Lenny Libenzon’s Post High School Planning presentation, NACAC offers Fall Virtual Fairs. The virtual fairs continued to be offered on Oct 24, Nov 2 and 14. Go to this link ( for all the info!
BHS is announcing an excellent webinar entitled College Financing, being offered by MEFA (MA Educational Financing Agency) this Wednesday 10/20 from 6:30-7:30 pm. Apelila Joseph, Springfield Promise Administrator at Springfield Public Schools, will provide information and clarity on the entire college financial aid application process. You'll learn about financial aid applications and types of financial aid, the factors that determine your aid eligibility, how colleges determine the amount of aid to offer, and the details of financial aid offers. Live transcription will be available. RSVP to get the zoom link -
MEFA offers many helpful information and resources at their website - If you cannot attend the College Financing zoom webinar this Wed 10/20, check out the MEFA website for other webinars and useful events. BHS will be offering additional resources and opportunities on the important topic of paying for college. Stay tuned!
Thanks to all parents and students and the excellent college admissions representative panel who participated in the virtual BHS panel discussion of college admissions on Thurs 10/7. Admission representatives from these colleges were in attendance: Boston University, Northeastern, Mass Bay Community College, UMass Amherst, University of Vermont.
The recording of the session is available here.
Please copy and paste this link to your browser (note that you will need to enter the passcode):
Passcode: xdgDf2$D
BHS Librarians are again offering TEST PREP THURSDAYS for Juniors and Seniors! Please stop by the library to find out the support, resources, and direct tutoring that is available for our students.
Registration for the 2022 AP exams-
Students at Brookline High School will be registering online. Online Exam registration will begin on Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 5:00 AM and end on Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM. The AP exam registration process has two steps, but both can be completed in one sitting when the student and parent/guardian do this together. Even if you do not plan to take the AP exam, you need to complete both steps to access the College Board’s AP resources. Both steps must be completed in order to have AP exams ordered:
Step 1: Begin the process by registering at Here you will indicate both the AP courses you are taking this year and the exams you wish to take. You will receive your join codes and directions to complete the second required step. Any exam fees will be paid online so be sure to have a debit card or credit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment.
Step 2: Use the join codes provided at the completion of step one to enroll the student's AP courses and exams in the College Board's system.
This year each AP exam costs $105.00. Brookline High School would like to support every student in an AP class to take their AP exams. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Alexia Thomas, [email protected], to learn more. If a student decides not to take an exam they must cancel their exam by November 15th, 2021 to get a full refund, students can get a partial refund if they cancel by March 15th, 2021.
Here are the important dates for the registration process:
- Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 5:00 AM - Registration Begins
- Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 11:59 PM - Registrations and payments after this date will incur a $40 late fee per exam.
- Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM - Registration Ends
- Mon, Nov 15, 2021 - Registrations that have not been paid for will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered.
- Mon, Nov 15, 2021 - Last day to cancel an exam and receive a full refund.
Mark your calendars now - Junior Year Timeline and Standardized College Admissions Testing presentation - Thursday, October 28, 2021, at 6:30 pm, - BHS Guidance Department with Lenny Libenzon, BHS College Counselor, will go over the Junior Year Calendar, and Drew Heilpern from Summit Educational Group will talk about the different types of standardized tests that our juniors take (SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT, AP). There will be updates on the ever-evolving testing landscape for college admissions. We will also discuss timelines of when students should be thinking about and taking standardized tests. This night is open to junior and sophomore students and their parents/caregivers. Please note that BHS does not specifically promote any outside testing prep companies, but appreciates their information sharing for this event.
Please register for the event here:
Go to this link for an electronic version of the College Admissions Testing Guide here: Printed copies of this guide will be available at the BHS Guidance Suite Room 285 closer to and after this zoom event.
Thank you to the over 100 Gr 10 parents and guardians for joining the Sept 29 Gr 10 Counselor and Dean Meet and Greet zoom!
If you missed it, please copy and paste this link into your browser-
Passcode: =7nv91AV
The slide presentation of the 9th Grade Counselor Meet and Greet on Oct 7, 2021 is attached to this email. Check it out!
The 9th grade counseling team will begin hosting a Social Lunch for 9th grade students who might benefit from having a quieter place to eat lunch, especially our students who have had a more difficult time finding social connections during lunch! Thanks to the counselor team for offering this important opportunity!