- September 19, Tuesday T block – Mandatory Senior Assembly – Steps to Post High School Planning - Auditorium
- September 19, Tuesday – 7-8:30pm – Combined PTO Senior Parent Night – Deans Welcome and Overview of Post High School Planning with College Focus by Lenny Libenzon, BHS College Counselor - Auditorium
- September 23, Saturday – 8:30am-12:30 pm – PTO College Essay Workshop – BHS MLK Room
- Weeks of September 25 and Oct 2 – Senior Guidance Seminars – Students should check their schedule. Required seminars (1 per week) are listed in one of their free blocks. If you do not have a seminar listed, please see your counselor before 9/22
- Weeks of October 3 -November 11 - Freshman Guidance Seminars Round 1 in Advisories
- October 18, Wednesday – 7 pm – BHS Guidance sponsored MEFA College Financing Seminar - Auditorium
- December 13, Wednesday – 7 pm – Juniors: Guidance overview of the Jr./Sr. Timelines and Summit College Admissions Testing (SAT and ACT) presentation - Auditorium
- Weeks of January 2 - February 13 - Freshman Guidance Seminars Round 2 in Advisories
- Weeks of January 2- February 13 - Sophomore Guidance Seminars in Advisories
- January 18, Thursday – 6-9 pm - BHS Guidance hosts the 2018 USA Gap Year Fair - BHS MLK Room and Café
- February 6, Tuesday - T block - Mandatory Junior Assembly - Starting Post High School Planning - Auditorium
- Weeks of February 13 - March 20 - Junior Guidance Seminars Round 1 in Advisories
- Week of March 27 (MCAS dates) - Junior Guidance Seminars Round 2
- February 13, 7 pm - Junior Parent and Student Night - Auditorium
- March 13, 7 pm -- BHS College Fair - Location TBD
- March 27, Monday – 7 pm – BHS Guidance sponsored MEFA Paying for College Seminar – Location TBD
- April 3, Tuesday – 7-8:30 pm – BHS Guidance and Special Education Depts sponsor – Support Services and College - Location: MLK room
BHS Guidance Events 2017-18
If you missed our T-block presentation today--Attached is the Senior Assembly Presentation
In addition, a similar presentation is scheduled for 7 pm on Tuesday, September 19. Please click here to download it. The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) will be administered at Brookline High School on the morning of Saturday, October 14th from 7:45- 12:15 pm.
The PSAT/NMSQT measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills and writing skills. Brookline High School recommends that juniors take the PSAT/NMSQT in order to receive feedback about strengths and weaknesses in verbal and mathematical abilities and be able to compare their performance with that of thousands of juniors across the country who also take the test. The PSAT helps prepare students for the SAT later on in their school experience. Lastly, juniors are also automatically entered into the National Merit Scholarship competition. For the 2017 PSAT/NMSQT, students at Brookline High School will be registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from any computer with internet access. Here is the link: www.TotalRegistration.net/PSAT/220445 Brookline High School is excited to offer families the convenience of paying exam fees online at the time of registration. The cost to take the PSAT is $20. Please be sure to have a debit or credit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment. As a junior, if you feel you qualify for a fee waiver, please indicate that on the online form or see your counselor or Ms. Castellano in the Main Guidance office. Here are the important dates for the registration process: · Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 8:00 AM - Registration Begins · Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 11:59 PM - Registration Ends · Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 11:59 AM - Registrations that have not been paid for will be canceled and exams will not be ordered. Free PSAT practice questions will be emailed to you after registration. In addition, you can sign up for a free PSAT practice test offered by Kaplan here at BHS on Tuesday, Sept 26 from 3-6:20 pm. You must register- go to bit.ly/brookline2017. This information plus another Kaplan online practice opportunity will be sent to your Naviance email address as well. On Saturday, 10/14 - please report to BHS by 7:45 am. Bring #2 pencils, a calculator, and PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. You will not be admitted to the exam without an ID. Please contact Ms. Bethany Castellano, [email protected] , if you have questions or require financial assistance. posted by Lenny Libenzon, BHS College Counselor Fourteenth Annual
BHS College Essay Workshop September 23, 2017 8:30 am to 12:30 pm @ BHS Attention, BHS Seniors! Do you: Need help getting started with your college essay? Need to re-think your ideas? Need advice on adding the final touches? Fear not! This free workshop is designed to help you with the next step in the process, whatever stage you are in. Join the ranks of close to 3,000 BHS students who have found this workshop invaluable as they worked on their college application essays. Led by dedicated BHS faculty and supported by parent volunteers, you will be assigned to a small discussion group along with peers who are at a similar stage of writing so that you may receive individual attention and feedback. Register today at bhsessay2017.eventbrite.com Sponsored by the BHS PTO |
Brookline High School Guidance617-713-5015 Counseling
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February 2025