On Monday, December 10, 2018 from 6:00—8:00 p.m. Brookline High School Auditorium Dr. Elizabeth Englander will present the seminar titled "Teaching Our Children to be Good Digital Citizens: Working Together to Prevent Cyberbullying and Sexting." This is intended for parents of students in grades PreK/12. Click here for the informational flyer.
Thanksgiving is almost here…. The BHS Guidance/Counseling Dept hopes this time offers relaxation and positive family time for all. Here are two good articles on surviving the holidays, some focus on smaller children, but good reminder. Thanks to Courtney Balacco, M.Ed., LMHC, Westborough HS for these resources: https://childmind.org/article/the-family-gathering-a-survival-guide/ https://childmind.org/article/how-to-take-the-stress-out-of-the-holidays/ Teaching Our Children to be Good Digital Citizens: Working Together to Prevent Cyberbullying and Sexting: A presentation for parents/guardians of children in grades PreK-12 - Featuring Dr. Elizabeth Englander - Director of Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center and nationally-recognized expert in the areas of bullying and cyberbullying, childhood causes of aggression and abuse, and children’s use of technology. Brookline High Auditorium, Monday December 10, 6-8pm. See flyer below GIRLS AND STEM – Consider this experience (NOT sponsored by BHS): Girls STEM Summit-Statewide 2019! An annual daylong event for 8-12 grade girls interested in pursuing STEM careers or exploring STEM topics. The daylong event will be held on Sunday, March 31, 2019 at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. The registration fee is $67 per student and includes all speakers, hands-on sessions, lunch, and a take home gift. – See flyer below NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family to Family offers - Free Educational Program for Family Members, Partners, and Friends of Individuals with Mental Illness – 12 session class starts January 10, 2019, Jamaica Plain MA. Preregistration is required and instruction and class materials are free for registered class participants – see flyer below Sophomores and Juniors,
PreACT test and career interest inventory coming to BHS - Saturday December 15, 2018! Sophomores: PreACT test information and registration forms will be available in Advisory for sophomores starting Tues 11/13. You can also stop by the Main Guidance office - Room 161 or your Deans Suite/Counselor office for more info. All completed forms and $20 check must be returned to the Main Guidance Office - room 161 by Monday November 26. Juniors: Consider registering for the PreACT (practice ACT with career interest inventory) at BHS on Saturday, December 15. This test is normed for sophomores in high school, but may be a good way to experience the style of the ACT test. Registration form is attached with more information included or pick up in the Main Guidance Office - Room 161, starting Tues 11/13. ALL STUDENTS
** GIRLS AND STEM – Consider this experience (NOT sponsored by BHS): Girls STEM Summit-Statewide 2019! An annual daylong event for 8-12 grade girls interested in pursuing STEM careers or exploring STEM topics. The daylong event will be held on Sunday, March 31, 2019 at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. The registration fee is $67 per student and includes all speakers, hands-on sessions, lunch, and a take home gift. – See attached flyer ** NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family to Family offers - Free Educational Program for Family Members, Partners, and Friends of Individuals with Mental Illness – 12 session class starts January 10, 2019, Jamaica Plain MA. Preregistration is required and instruction and class materials are free for registered class participants – see attached flyer. SENIORS VERY IMPORTANT…..If you are a senior applying EA or ED deadlines in Oct – Nov, YOU MUST LOOK AT YOUR UPLOADED FINAL GRADES FOR QUARTER 1 ON THE STUDENT PORTAL DURING THE EVENING OF THURS NOV 15. If there are any missing grades, it is your responsibility to contact that teacher and your counselor on Friday 11/16 to correct this issue. The Guid/Counseling Dept will be reviewing senior transcripts during Fri 11/6 morning and will be sending out this transcript by Wed 11/21 at noon, including Q1 grades, to each school you have applied to early. Admissions offices will be considering this information as they review early applications and make decisions for mid- December. ALL STUDNTS
** Quarter 1 ends this Wednesday Nov 7. Do your best work to finish out this term! ** Makeup Picture Day is also Wed Nov 7 - If you did not take your picture in September, retakes 8-3 PM in the Schluntz Gym. You will not be taken by class; you must go on your own. All students are required to have their picture taken for a school ID. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keaveney in the Main Office. ** GIRLS AND STEM – Consider this experience (NOT sponaored by BHS): Girls STEM Summit-Statewide 2019! An annual daylong event for 8-12 grade girls interested in pursuing STEM careers or exploring STEM topics. The daylong event will be held on Sunday, March 31, 2019 at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. The registration fee is $67 per student and includes all speakers, hands-on sessions, lunch, and a take home gift. – See attached flyer ** NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family to Family offers - Free Educational Program for Family Members, Partners, and Friends of Individuals with Mental Illness – 12 session class starts January 10, 2019, Jamaica Plain MA. Preregistration is required and instruction and class materials are free for registered class participants – see attached flyer. ** Interesting article about college admissions – https://www.businessinsider.com/7-things-college-admissions-officers-wish-every-applicant-knew-2018-2 |
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