Quarter 3 grades are uploaded to student and parent portals. Please check these grades and develop a plan to finish out this Quarter 4 so this year’s grades are strong.
Reminder from Head of School Meyer from 4/13-
Warrior Adults Available
A lot has been happening within and around our school and community over the past several weeks. … I want to remind all of you that there are many helping people at BHS. In addition to your teachers, there are guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists, advisors, nurses, paraprofessionals, librarians, deans, program coordinators and leaders, and many more folks who wish to hear from and help you.
Please check in with a high school adult…..if you need to; we will be here.
IMPORTANT NOTE – As always, thank you to students and family members for reading this weekly BHS Counseling/Guidance Dept Weekly Update. This weekly BHS Counseling/Guidance Dept update will continue to be sent out during the earlier weekday of each school week, but not over the weekend/Sunday. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated!