Don’t miss out on the many need-based scholarships available through the BHS Scholarship Program! To apply, follow the three easy steps below. If you have already completed these steps, please disregard this email. Let me know if you have questions.
1.Complete the BHS Scholarship Application.
2. Submit your CSS Profile to the BHS Scholarship Program. The CSS Profile application is on the College Board Website. You must complete the CSS Profile and then submit it to the Brookline Scholarship Program – code 0424. Submitting the CSS Profile to a college does not mean that you have submitted it to the BHS Scholarship Program. You need to send it specifically to the BHS Scholarship Program – code 0424
3. Once you know what college you will attend, you will need to submit the financial aid letter you receive from that college.
The Scholarship Committee would like students and parents to know that three criteria are used for choosing award recipients: academics, contributions and activities at BHS, and most importantly, unmet financial need. There are no merit scholarships per se given out through this program.
Below is a listing of scholarships available to qualified BHS Grade 12 students. You can find many more scholarships on and
1)I would like to make you aware of the New England Tuition Break program. If you are accepted to one of the New England STATE schools, you can go there for Mass State Tuition cost if you are interested in majoring in a concentration that is not offered in MA.
2) Win $1000 for college from the Brookline American Legion 2022 Scholarship Competition! This year's format is an audio interview. We will ask each entrant 2-3 questions on the theme "service and community." You can record your answers from your phone when you'd like. Each answer should be 1-3 minutes long. The top three entrants will each receive a $1000 cash prize. Click here for more details.
3) Multiple scholarships from
Lenny Libenzon
BHS College Counselor