Social Lunch – Every Friday, all 3 lunches, Room 277! Café not comfortable place to enjoy lunch? Prefer having a quiet space to eat? See your counselor for more information
Building Bridges – Engineering Exploration program for high school students - Northeastern Univ, 11/30/18, see attached for more info
Transcript release / Teacher-Counselor Recommendation Deadlines UPDATE:
If you have not turned in transcript release forms and other needed documents for Nov 1 and Nov 15 deadlines in the last 2 weeks to today, these documents are overdue.. The Guidance dept will work to get your documents in as soon as possible but this may happen after your deadline. You should be sure to get your application submitted and SAT or ACT scores sent by deadline.
Upcoming due dates:
College deadline BHS Deadline
December 1 Monday, November 5
December 15 Monday, November 19
January 1 Friday, November 30