Midyear Exams Continue– Monday 1/28 and Tuesday 1/29. You got this! Parents – Do you have a stressed out teen at home during midyear exams or generally? See the article with 10 suggestions to offer support from the helpful Grown and Flown website on the BHS Guidance website. Last day of Semester 1/ Term 2 is this Wed 1/30. Please see modified schedule for this day on the BHS Guidance website. Let your teenager know you love them this Valentine’s Day Feb 14…see an easy and caring idea to make the entire month of February special for both of you on the BHS Guidance website! Consider this....What Straight-A Students Get Wrong If you always succeed in school, you’re not setting yourself up for success in life - Reminder of Midyear Exams – Friday 1/25, Monday 1/28, Tuesday 1/29. See your teacher for definite place/time of exams. It is important to study for these exams and do your best! Be sure to show up on time to your assigned exams. See the attached blank midyear exam schedule to plan your exam schedule. If you have further questions, please see your teacher or dean. You got this!
Reminder of Midyear Exams – Friday 1/25, Monday 1/26, Tuesday 1/27. See your teacher for definite place/time of exams. It is important to study for these exams and do your best! Be sure to show up on time to your assigned exams. See the attached blank midyear exam schedule to plan your exam schedule. If you have further questions, please see your teacher or dean. You got this! How about a New Year’s Resolution to consistently get more sleep? It will help your physical, emotional, and academic health… and you’ll be happier too! More Sleeping Tips coming soon on this BHS Guidance website. Consider this....What Straight-A Students Get Wrong If you always succeed in school, you’re not setting yourself up for success in life - Friday Lunch Lounge continues! Want a different place to eat lunch? Many students are enjoying a less stressful, fun experience in a quiet, small venue. You are invited to come to room 277 on Fridays to hangout, play games, and meet some new people. Bring your lunch or enjoy some delicious pizza. We are looking forward to meeting you! Dear Seniors and Parents/Caretakers,
Below is the partial list of scholarships available to qualified students. You can find many more scholarships on and through your student’s Naviance account, under Scholarships & Money. BHS Scholarships The Brookline High School Scholarship Committee announces that applications are now available for tuition scholarships to Boston University (2 full-tuition renewable scholarships) and Northeastern University (2 half-tuition renewable scholarships). Applications are available online at the BHS homepage under 2019 BHS Scholarship Application. Applications must be completed ASAP. The deadline for applying for BHS scholarships for students attending ANY OTHER college is April 1. Please use the same application as above. The Scholarship Committee would like parents to know that we use three criteria for choosing award recipients: academics, contributions and activities at BHS, and most importantly, unmet financial need. There are no merit scholarships per se given out through this program. To make fair decisions, the Committee requires that families fill out the CSS Profile financial aid form, available at Please use code #0424 ALL STUDENTS
How about a New Year’s Resolution to consistently get more sleep? It will help your physical, emotional, and academic health… and you’ll be happier too! See more Sleeping Tips on the BHS Guidance website. Consider this....What Straight-A Students Get Wrong If you always succeed in school, you’re not setting yourself up for success in life - Friday Lunch Lounge continues! Want a different place to eat lunch? Many students are enjoying a less stressful, fun experience in a quiet, small venue. You are invited to come to room 277 on Fridays to hangout, play games, and meet some new people. Bring your lunch or enjoy some delicious pizza. We are looking forward to meeting you! Summer Plans? It's time to think about your summer plans. Please go to the BHS Guidance website for a helpful info sheet for many ideas. Note that programs listed here are not all inclusive and do not suggest that Brookline High specifically endorses any program. Remember to read the intro at the top of the info sheet. See your counselor for more feedback or questions! Click here to access the powerpoint that was presented this morning to our sophomore parents (PDF file)
Starting this week, BHS Guidance Department will conduct Sophomore Developmental Guidance Seminars. Our focus with sophomores is on career exploration. Attached is the worksheet distributed during the session.
Below are additional links discussed during the adviosry:
Don't miss this year's USA Gap Year Fair event from 6-8:30 PM on Monday, January 14 at Brookline High School! Among the programs attending the fair, several are free (for example, City Year and Australian Working Adventures), and many offer generous scholarships (such as Irish Gap Year and Up With the People). PRE-REGISTER: Guest Speaker: 6-6:45 PM MLK ROOM Gap year advisor Julia Rogers of Enroute Consulting as well as Jane Sarouhan from Center for Interim Programs will kick off the evening with a dynamic presentation explaining the "ins and outs" of gap year options and offering tips for navigating your gap year research. Fair: 6:45-8:30 PM CAFETERIA During the fair, attendees will have the opportunity to speak with 46 gap year program representatives about their program offerings! Click here for the complete list of programs. 1/23 UPDATE: The taping of the “What is a Gap Year?” presentation did not come together. Sorry to all! Instead, last year’s 2018 taped presentation can be viewed below. Also feel free to check out the Teen Life website and click Gap Year programs on homepage or see their comprehensive guide on this website under Gap Year link to right of home page. ALL STUDENTS
How about a New Year’s Resolution to consistently get more sleep? It will help your physical, emotional, and academic health… and you’ll be happier too! BHS wiSTEM Club offers: High School 101 Workshop: Midterms - Preparation Tips and Tricks from Upperclassmen and teachers! January 10, X block, Room 261 Join the Friday Lunch Lounge! Want a different place to eat lunch? You are invited to come to room 277 on Fridays to hangout, play games, and meet some new people. Bring your lunch. Snacks provided! We are looking forward to meeting you! SENIORS Early Decision acceptances - please contact all colleges also applied to EA/RD and remove your name from their lists...and congrats! Deferred to regular decision? Please carefully read advice from the BHS Guidance Department about next steps – attached here. |
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January 2025