Guest Speaker: 6-6:45 PM MLK ROOM
Gap year advisor Julia Rogers of Enroute Consulting as well as Jane Sarouhan from Center for Interim Programs will kick off the evening with a dynamic presentation explaining the "ins and outs" of gap year options and offering tips for navigating your gap year research.
Fair: 6:45-8:30 PM CAFETERIA
During the fair, attendees will have the opportunity to speak with 46 gap year program representatives about their program offerings! Click here for the complete list of programs.
1/23 UPDATE: The taping of the “What is a Gap Year?” presentation did not come together. Sorry to all! Instead, last year’s 2018 taped presentation can be viewed below. Also feel free to check out the Teen Life website and click Gap Year programs on homepage or see their comprehensive guide on this website under Gap Year link to right of home page.