Check out the incredible amount of offerings in many areas for electives and wellness courses. See you counselor if you have any questions. Keep in mind the required BHS course credits needed for graduation and talk with your parents-caretakers about the best course load balance for you. The student portal will be open from March 3-24 for all Gr 9-11 BHS students to upload their elective and wellness course selections. Be sure students can access their portal now since students only can be uploading these courses to their student portal!
- Relevance of trade careers for many young people, including some of our Brookline High students-
- Colleges of some well-known people -
https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Successful people and the college they attended.pptx?token=AWzzoGAKLvTON0lW9oFO4bV5CbihZ8bNLJr40yWlQcFGgVzShNV_LDmYeWJsvcNcXLI0eVsdHlIFq3MOhU3iofJT171oWkAI8eza9Vw0l79NV0245McBCjez7F3lmgYRd1d9m9jkH2zzcflFPzUsKssh_OkGp8yswF_tnddnEXh1Zslu6LPeSLuzVwwu4t7VqxS4ExlfDtbgNgF88czIwgsE
Suicide is a scary topic but we need to continue to be aware of our teenagers’ mental health needs. Please read the short article here:
If you are worried about your student’s mental health (or a student is worried about their friend/family member), please contact one of the school counselors for support and resources both in BHS and in the greater community. Never worry alone!
This is WEEK B schedule
THIS WEEK ON Thurs 3/5 - Brookline SEPAC and COBAP (Coalition of Brookline Autism Parents) is sponsoring a FREE screening of the documentary Autism Goes To College on March 5, 7 pm, VFW Building, 386 Washington St.
Autism Goes to College is a first of its kind film, packed with honest insights for student, parents and educators offering an eye-opening look at what a growing number of neurodiverse students are bringing to campus. From deciding which school will be the best fit, to interactions with professors and peers, facing roommate situations, handling money, homesickness, finding work, overcoming setbacks, staying on track to graduate– these students come up against aspects of college life students typically encounter. See attached flyer for more information
IF THEY HAD KNOWN Screening for Parents
Friday March 13, all juniors will attend an assembly of a powerful documentary called “If They Had Known,” a 35-minute film focusing on the risks of the current party culture and the dangers of mixing alcohol and prescription drugs. On Tuesday, March 10 at 7 pm there will be a showing of the film for parents and the community, in the BHS Roberts/Dubbs Auditorium.
The documentary depicts a “typical party scene” many of our students have or will attend. This is not about a student struggling with a serious addiction, but an honest and emotional account of an accidental death that shouldn’t have happened, spoken by his friends and his little brother, all of whom were with him, and who did not react in time. The goal of this presentation is to help students take seriously the risks of overdose with prescription drugs and alcohol, and to encourage students to intervene and take action to save the life of a friend. The movie will be followed by Q&A as time allows.
Consider attending Northeastern’s Spring Splash program this March!
Want to learn about city planning, calligraphy, and aliens, all in one day, for free? We are NEPTUN, an organization at Northeastern University that hosts events inviting high school students (grades 9-12) to campus for free classes. We’re writing to let you know about our Spring Splash Program! The event will take place on March 14th and 21st and we want you to be there! We have some incredible class offerings this year, including:
- The Philosophy of Anarchy
- From Newspaper Cartoons to Tiktoks: The Evolution of Political Satire
- Amateur Rocketry Basics: Manufacturing & Launch
- The Cat Conspiracy and Other Mind-Bending Parasites
- Check out our class catalog here!
Check out our program details and register here! You can register for up to 12 classes over the both Saturdays. The event will take place on Northeastern's campus in Ryder Hall, which is right next door to the Ruggles T-Station. And all students will receive a free T-Shirt, snack and a Pizza lunch!
Brookline Community Service Opportunity!
A collaboration between Center Communities of Brookline and Wentworth Institute of Technology offers a chance for BHS students to participate in service to others and get community service credit. Details here:
Every other year, Brookline community partners join Center Communities of Brookline (the event sponsor) to organize a Senior Health Fair. This year’s event will be the 2020 Health Expo with a focus on Technology - innovations, resources and opportunities to support older adults. With an aging population growing faster than ever before, opportunities to highlight and demonstrate innovations for sight, sound, mobility, connectivity and transportation offer such a resoundingly positive experience for older adults in Brookline, as well as those families with older loved ones.
There may be an opportunity for 10 BHS students come to Wentworth (sometime in March) for a workshop and lunch with their students from different disciplines and attend the June 4 Expo to interact with the other Expo attendees. Any interested students should check in with Ms Lisa Gaffney, the BHS Community Service Coordinator, in Room 161.
BHS Guidance Dept Career Counseling event…..
Are you interested in working for a sports broadcasting network or in sports management/ business related careers? Come to the College and Career Center Room 279 this Wednesday March 4th during X Block to hear from 5 NESN employees including:
- Phil Pesce – Content Producer II
- Ricky Doyle – Content Editor III
- Colette Fleury – Web Developer II
- Bethany Castellano – National Sales Coordinator
- Amanda Florentine – HR Generalist
The spring “Is Accounting for Me?” High School conference is coming next weekend:
Date: March 6, 2020
Location: Suffolk University
1st Floor Function Room for Welcome/Breakfast: 8:30am
Join us to for a day of exploring the accounting profession!
New this year, students will have the opportunity to participate in technology break-out sessions to understand how cutting edge technological advances are affecting the accounting profession and being used by CPAs in their day to day career. Students will have the opportunity to learn about blockchain, data visualization, bots, and virtual reality (and try out some virtual reality goggles!)
The event includes:
* Interactive activities;
• Panel discussions with accounting professionals;
• Technology demo break-out sessions
• A networking lunch with students and CPA practitioners
• An optional tour of the campus
These conferences are appropriate for high-performing sophomores, juniors and seniors who are considering studying accounting or business at the college level. Students may come unchaperoned.
LAST WEEK TO APPLY…. The ACE Program is currently accepting applications for entrance for next Sept 2020. Applications are due no later than Friday, March 6th. Launched in 2015, ACE is an innovative, competency-based program at Brookline High School for55 students who choose to be in a smaller educational setting where they can move at their own pace and engage in project-based and experiential learning. ACE provides a rigorous college-preparation pathway in which students are placed in multi-age classes based on their skill levels, can progress at their own pace and graduate with a Brookline High School diploma when they complete their content and skill competencies. Students can also pursue internships for academic credit and take college classes through dual enrollment programs while still in high school. ACE Parent Information Night on Tuesday, February 25th from 6:00-7:30pm in the MLK Room. ACE Student Information Meetings and classroom visits will be held throughout the month of February. Students should email ACE Secretary, [email protected] to schedule a time to attend one.
It's time to think about your summer plans!
Please see the attached info sheet for many ideas (updated 3/1/20). Note that programs listed here are not all inclusive and do not suggest that Brookline High specifically endorses any program. Remember to read the intro at the top of the info sheet. See your counselor for more feedback or questions!
Some suggested summer pre-college opportunities with financial aid available - http://blog.collegegreenlight.com/blog/summer-pre-college-programs-2019/
Please note that attending a pre-college program at any particular college does not usually offer any special consideration during future admissions at that school.
Bill of Rights Institute sponsors the 2019-2020 We the Students Essay Prompt - What does civil discourse mean to you? DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020 - Civil discourse is a concept that goes beyond a simple dictionary definition, and understanding it involves a combination of personal experience and ‘big ideas.’ Perhaps it is something you recognize from an occurrence in your own life. Maybe you can easily recognize when it is missing. Differing perspectives are a key part of learning, of democracies, and of civil society. For this essay, we ask you not only share your comprehension of what civil discourse is meant to be but to also relate what it looks like when it works – and when it doesn’t – and why. Perhaps you will choose to include mention of a time when you, yourself, were part of an exchange intended to understand something – how did you go about it? We encourage you to bring emotion, creativity, specific examples (including current events), and well-researched facts into what you write. A good essay will demonstrate how civil discourse is not just an abstract idea, but is, in fact, action inspired by constitutional principles, and demonstrated through civic virtues. We want to know what you think civil discourse truly means.
The winners of this year’s contest will receive:
1st Place – $7,500 and a scholarship to our 2020 Constitutional Academy in Washington, D.C.Runners Up – 5 prizes at $1,500 eachHonorable Mentions – 8 prizes at $500 eachhttps://billofrightsinstitute.org/engage/students-programs-events/scholarship/we-the-students-rules-and-regluations/
Lunch Lounge happens ALL LUNCHES EVERY WEEKDAY in Room 277 at the 115 campus. LUNCH LOUNGE AT OLS happens every Wednesday all lunches in the Fireplace room which can be entered through the OLS Nurse’s Office.
Both alternative lunch spaces offer a place for fun conversation, a board game competition, or having a quiet lunch. BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH. Any student can join for one lunch lounge or become a regular.
IMPORTANT REMINDER - Applications are available online at the BHS homepage under 2020 BHS Scholarship Application. The deadline for applying for BHS scholarships for students attending ANY college is April 17. To make fair decisions, the Committee requires that families fill out the CSS Profile financial aid form, available at CollegeBoard.com. Please use code #0424
The February BHS Scholarship is now available. See attached.
Thinking about an alternative plan to 4 year college? You are not alone! Almost 10% of last year’s BHS graduates planned to attend a 2 year technical or community college, work full time, or considered the military. Please see Kate Cordner Kennedy, the BHS Career Counselor in Room 279 or 280 for more info. If she is not available when you stop by (since she is also working with 9th graders at the OLS campus), please leave her a note!
Be Aware of Financial Aid/Scholarship Support Scams! You should not need to pay a consultant or organization to complete forms or learn about aid and scholarships. The attached letter has been sent out to various BHS students/families and we do NOT recommend this support. Contact MEFA (MA Educational Financing Authority) or use websites like Fastweb.com for FREE help!
Post Secondary Fair for Students Who Learn Differently – Landmark School/ Alice Ansara Athletic Center, 447 Hale Street, Prides Crossing, MA on Thurs - March 26, 2020 from 6-8pm. Attendees will meet representatives from college and university admissions and student support services, gap year programs, technical schools,
and other non-traditional options –High school students, parents, guardians, guidance counselors, and educators are all encouraged to attend.
Summer 2020 STEM Sampler Workshops at MassBay Community College - MassBay Community College is excited to offer the Summer 2020 STEM Sampler Workshops for *underserved female (*underserved-Must be one of the following: Eligible for free or reduced lunch, will be the first in their family to attend college, or are under-represented in college admissions) high school students who identify as female. The workshops are a five-day exploratory in Science (biotechnology lab work), Technology (robotics and web design), Engineering (engineering design), and Math (interactive, contextualized in STEM). Preference will be given to rising juniors and seniors, and graduating seniors. Program dates are July 13th-17th, 2020; 9AM-3PM at the MassBay Wellesley Hills campus. This program is FREE and funded through STEM Starter Academy. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://www.massbay.edu/stem-summer-sampler
IMPORTANT REMINDER - The parent/guardian meeting on course selection for Senior year is being held this Tuesday, March 3rd at 8 am in the MLK Room. The Deans and Curriculum Coordinators will be there to discuss course requirements and the registration process.
Please note that the deadline to register for SAT Prep starting March 19 at BHS (Class Code: SMKS20014P) is fast approaching. We do not have many signups so the course is in danger of being cancelled. If this is the class that you are going to register for, please enroll immediately at:
Remember to use promo code: 20MAR200PC to get your $300 discount.
Boston National College Fair –
April 30, 2020 to May 1, 2020 | Boston, MA
Mark your calendars now for the next evening event for juniors and their parents/caregivers:
- Thursday, March 19 – BHS College Fair, 6:30-8:30pm, Cafe
Junior Seminars Round 2 have almost ended in advisories. Seminar Round 3 is scheduled during ELA MCAS mornings on either March 24th or 25th. Be sure to attend these sessions to get the most updated information from your counselor.
Starting to research colleges? Wondering how to use Naviance for college searches? Wondering whether to take the SAT, ACT, or go test-optional? Thinking about when you should take these tests?
Make an appointment with your counselor (email or leave a note, if needed) OR see Mr Libenzon, BHS College Counselor, in College-Career Center 279 or office 280.
College Admissions Testing Prep suggestions:
** BHS Librarians are offering FREE online test prep tutorials every Thurs after school from 3-4pm in the Library. See attached flyer
** SAT? Go to Kahn Academy on the College Board website for specific help related to your individualizes PSAT score results… and it’s free!
ACT? Check out the ACT Academy on their website.
The PreACT at BHS occurred this past Saturday 2/29. The PreACT score reports will be available in April. A score report presentation will be scheduled during an X block with report distribution happening afterwards. More details to come!
2020 Post-Secondary Fair, for students who learn differently - attendees will meet representatives from college and university admissions and student support services, gap year programs, technical schools, and other non-traditional options.
"[The fair] was incredible! Both my daughter and I left feeling less stressed and better prepared to make a college list. We even started to plan our trips/visits." -2019 parent attendee
Save the date for Thursday, March 26, 2020, 6-8 p.m.
447 Hale Street, Prides Crossing, MA
Landmark School Alice Ansara Athletic Center
This event is FREE and open to the public.
High school students, parents, guardians, guidance counselors, and educators are all encouraged to attend.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards – Leadership Training for Sophomores – RYLA participants meet in early summer for a 3 day conference that includes presentations, activities, and workshops on:
- Leadership Fundamentals
- Ethics
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Conflict Management
- Community & Global Citizenship
Check out more at www.rlya7910.org