Feel free to check the Student and Family Mental Health and Social Services Resource List on the BHS homepage for regularly updated resources for anyone in the Brookline community. As always, be sure to reach out to a counselor, dean, or other caring BHS staff member if you have any questions or concerns about school or ways to manage during this quarantine time. We’re here for you!
Again, this week’s complete Counseling/Guidance department weekly update will again be shared with all BHS students and guardians so everyone can see announcements for the entire community. Be well!
Please note –Updates are highlighted in BLUE for quick review.
Today the amazing, resilient Class of 2020 Warriors graduated! Huge congratulations to the graduates, families, BHS organizers, and faculty for a wonderful celebration and heart warming farewell! And, when the buildings open again, you must come back and visit. We’ll miss you all!
Feel free to check the Student and Family Mental Health and Social Services Resource List on the BHS homepage for regularly updated resources for anyone in the Brookline community. As always, be sure to reach out to a counselor, dean, or other caring BHS staff member if you have any questions or concerns about school or ways to manage during this quarantine time. We’re here for you!
Again, this week’s complete Counseling/Guidance department weekly update will again be shared with all BHS students and guardians so everyone can see announcements for the entire community. Be well!
Consider signing up for the FREE Science of Well Being Yale Course -
Dr. Jen Green of Boston Univ/Wheelock has partnered with Medway Public Schools to develop COVID-19 Stress Education Course for high school students. This opportunity is for students to complete on their own, if they have time, and as an adjunct to the stress education built into the Mindfulness Program at Brookline High. There is simple ways to better understand stress, as well as help students find their best strategies to battle extreme, unhealthy stress. Any student can check it out for free-
Teen Support Group- Organized by students for students who are concerned about their use of marijuana, alcohol or other drugs. This is a confidential harm reduction group with students setting their own goals. The meetings include speakers, readings, discussion topics and peer support. For more information, or to sign-up for the group, send an email to the group facilitator, [email protected]
BRYT Central parent support continues....
Parents Helping Parents
Click these links to learn more - Parents Supporting Parents Flyer
Tuesday at 3:00 - Open Discussion
Wednesday at 9:00 - Open Discussion
Thursday at 9:00 – Open Discussion
Friday at 4:00 - Spanish speaking group
Parents – Click this link for free webinars for parents (FreeWebinars) with topics such as:
- Parents are NOT All Right
- Creating Realistic Routines
- Managing Depression and Anxiety at Home
- Parenting During the time of COVID: Is This a Dream?
- Finding Hope in Uncertain Times
From B-PEN- PARENTING THROUGH THE PANDEMIC: A DIGEST OF HELPFUL PARENTING ARTICLES 9. B-PEN has researched and compiled a digest of helpful articles to support parents. The current pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for families, and all of us can use a little reassurance and guidance at times. And follow us on Facebook for the latest info as it arrives!
Need student tech support for various teaching and information sharing platforms? Tech support for BHS students link - http://bhs.brookline.k12.ma.us/technology.html
Mutual Aid Brookline continues to provide needed aid to Brookline residents during this pandemic. Mutual Aid Brookline is an organization formed where neighbors are helping neighbors make it through this difficult time. They can help with grocery shopping, emergency childcare, running errands, rent/bill paying support for those who have lost jobs. They are looking for ongoing donations to support various requests. They can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 617-651-1468. For more information, check out New Initiative
Students Desperately Seeking a Quality Summer Opportunity?
Students can contact Kate Kennedy, BHS Career Counselor in the Guidance/Counseling Dept, until June 23. Ms Kennedy will discuss jobs, ways to stay busy, and internships. She will offer strategies on what you need to do to land these types of opportunities this summer!
[email protected]
Updated Teen Life Free and Low Cost Summer ideas - https://www.teenlife.com/blogs/free-and-low-cost-online-summer-programs
Also please check out the attached summer planning resources:
- Updated Summer Experiences Planning List 2020 (organized and edited by BHS Guidance
- Boston Globe article by BPen’s Karen Campbell on Summer Volunteering (Attend Ms Kennedy’s zoom presentation for reminders on the needed criteria to earn BHS credit for community service. Remember – you do NOT need community service credit to earn a BHS diploma.)
Don't forget the BHS Job/ Career Fair will be up for the remainder of the year and new vendors will be added regularly to explore!
Want to further explore a career field? Visit your Naviance page and explore different careers under the "Careers" tab! You have access to careers, their job outlook, and there are even videos from professionals in the field talking about their experiences!
Need help logging onto Naviance? Email Ms. Kennedy at [email protected]!
As most BHS parents are aware, many BHS students are unsure of what their summer will look like now that many camps are cancelled and there are a limited number of job openings for high school students. A number of qualified individuals have reached out to me, Kate Kennedy, the BHS Career Counselor, about tutoring and babysitting. This is a great way for students to make money and for students to help the Brookline community in these difficult times! If you or someone you know is looking for a tutor or babysitter, please let [email protected] know and she will be happy to connect you with qualified students interested in helping out!
Here’s information from the well-respected COMPASS Educational Group website about colleges’ acceptances of the new 2020 AP exams for placement:
“The [new AP policy] announcement… prompted questions about whether colleges would accept the 2020 exams, and if so, how enthusiastically, and on what terms? Nearly two months after the announcement, many colleges have announced their policies; we’ve tracked, assembled, and coded the policies for over 100 competitive National Universities, and 25 Liberal Arts Colleges, in the table below. We will continue to update this resource as schools release statements about their AP credit policies.”
View full link here - https://www.compassprep.com/2020-ap-exam-policies/
Thanks to the incredibly hard work of Deans Lisa Redding and Melanee Alexander and MANY OTHER DEDICATED FOLKS, the graduation celebration for the Brookline High School Class of 2020 was amazing!
BE SURE TO GO TO YOUR NAVIANCE PAGE AND COMPLETE THE SENIOR EXIT SURVEY BEFORE JUNE 7. By completing this survey, you are giving us the needed permission to share your transcript with the school you have chosen to attend. We cannot send a final transcript to the college or program of your choice after graduating without student permission and student completion of this survey. You can find the survey by logging in to Naviance, clicking on About Me; Surveys; Surveys Not Completed; Senior Survey.
The special shout out continues this week to BHS seniors Amanda Kravitz and Muriel Statman who organized a wonderful Goodbye Class of 2020 Video Project to celebrate their classmates. In case you missed it, here is the finished product - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn2fb3E29_I
LIfe After High School Career mini-course-
It is important that all students start to think about what they want to do after high school and how BHS can help them prepare for this! EverFi offers a great course to help you explore your possibilities after BHS! To register for this course go to platform.everfi.net/login, click Register, enter code 8941b754 and click Next.
If you already have an EVERFI account, login and enter code 8941b754 in the top right corner of your dashboard!
Questions? Email Ms. Kennedy at [email protected]
The Chronicle of Higher Education is one of the standards in higher education information sharing. Their site is now offering the latest updates on individual colleges’ plans for fall 2020 re-opening. Bookmark this site and check back regularly - it is updated daily with the latest on individual college plans for the fall - https://www.chronicle.com/article/Here-s-a-List-of-Colleges-/248626?cid=wcontentgrid_hp_1b
Citizens Bank continues to offer a series of live, remote learning sessions focused on financial education topics including understanding your award letter, financial aid, and credit. The information on when and how to join, as well as the topics being discussed is listed below:
Understanding Your Award Letter
Designed especially for College Bound Seniors and their families to help them understand their financial aid package, answer questions that come up after the acceptance, and explore both federal and private options for financing any gap not met by free aid. Helpful tools to compare the cost of colleges are explored and our experts answer your live questions.
· Wednesday, June 10th, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
· Tuesday, June 16th, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Financial Aid Basics
Designed for rising Seniors and their families to help understand financial aid, preparing for and starting the FAFSA form this fall, and understand financial aid components like scholarships, grants, federal loans and how to finance the gap. This live session includes time to ask questions and have them answered by our experts.
· Thursday, June 11th, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
· Tuesday, June 16th, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
· Thursday, June 25th, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Understanding Credit
Designed to help students and their families understand how building and maintaining credit is critical to achieving financial well-being. Your credit score is an important number that influences the ability to finance major life events such as paying for college.
· Thursday, June 18th, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Anyone interested in participating in any of these sessions may register here. For additional resources, please visit College Bound Citizens website at citizensbank.com/collegeboundcitizens.
Koplik update- The MA Dept of Education (DESE) has made a decision to extend the current May 1 deadline to June 30 and deadlines for the Koplik Scholarship process. The following changes are still tentative according to DESE in regard to the Koplik Certificate of Mastery With Distinction Tuition Credit:
** Recent DESE emails have indicated that they would accept August subject test scores for Class of 2020
** An extension of the usage deadline to Fall 2021 to allow students the opportunity to use the tuition credit
** Allowance of the tuition credit to be retroactive to the start of the fall 2020 semester for students that may receive certificates after the start of school
As this school year continues to be challenging in so many ways, the BHS Counseling/Guidance Dept and BHS College Counselor, Lenny Libenzon, wanted to offer you continuing information, resources, and opportunities to ask questions/ advice before summer vacation is here.
1) On Thursday, June 11, at 3 pm, the UMass Amherst Assistant Admissions Director responsible for our area will host a zoom information session specifically for BHS juniors. Please register for this session here. Your information will be stored in the UMass Amherst admissions system. Below is the session information:
Registration link, open until 11:00 am on June 11: https://yes.umass.edu/register/?id=b9a73345-ee3d-4a5c-a196-8a8acd485778.
Students who register will automatically be sent the Zoom link.
Zoom link: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/92671180818.
Meeting ID is 926 7118 0818, phone number is 1-646-876-9923 for those who prefer phone.
2) After the UMass presentation, Mr. Libenzon will stay for the Q&A session with juniors and their parents (June 11, 4 pm); Please use the same link for the session (or stay with us after the UMass session)
3) CollegeBoard (SAT) provides updates on its tests on this site. ACT provides updates on its tests here.
The latest from College Board: Registration opens to all students this week. This year, many centers will have fewer seats because of social distancing guidelines and may encounter unexpected closures. The College Board continues to do all it can to expand availability of the SAT at in-person test centers. We're providing additional SAT administrations every month, beginning in August. There’s higher demand for the August administration, and importantly, in certain areas, August and September already are full or nearing capacity. Certain states have lower capacity, for August in particular, including Massachusetts (at 75% capacity).
Please note that more and more schools are becoming test-optional for the next year and beyond. You do have to check with each school for their requirements, as they tend to change. For the complete list of test-optional schools, go to fairtest.org
4) Common Application is keeping the same essay prompts for the next year, so you can start working on your essay (remember, 650 word limit). If you or your family have been impacted significantly by COVID-19 pandemic, common app is adding an optional 250-word essay response: “Community disruptions such as Covid-19 and natural disasters can have deep and long-lasting impacts. If you need it, this space is yours to describe those impacts. Colleges care about the effects on your health and well-being, safety, family circumstances, future plans, and education, including access to reliable technology and quiet study spaces.”
If you need help with the essay, I like the FREE resources available here.
5) Ross Wolfson, the Guidance Coordinator of Westborough HS, conducted two webinars with various college admission representatives to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 on admissions:
Mass State Schools Webinar
Private Schools Webinar
6) TeenLife's Guide to Online Summer Programs includes several that are eager to enroll students. More online summer programs are listed on our website. Our hope is that this Guide to Online Summer Programs will spark or deepen an interest that can become a lifelong passion. Please download a copy https://guides.teenlife.com/online-summer-programs-02.
7) Please fill out the Self-Description Form before school ends on June 23. It can be found in Naviance, under About Me: Surveys or a paper copy was part of your Junior Seminar packets handed out before the school building closed. Your counselor needs it to complete your college recommendation so please forward a copy of the form to your counselor by email or send them a quick email so they know you’ve finished the form on Naviance.
8) Parents of Juniors: We need the Brag Sheet from you! You can find the form at this link
Please complete and forward to your junior’s counselor before June 23, if possible.
9) Now is a good time to ask two teachers for a recommendation. Please note that you only need 2 letters. Most colleges will not accept more than 2, and if you ask for more, we can not regulate which letters will go to college and which would not. As you build your college list, you will notice that some colleges only require 1 letter or none at all. These recommendations from both your counselor and teachers will be especially important as we enter into the 2020-21 college application season since this year’s grades and GPA, along many colleges going test-optional, will make recommendations all the more important.
COVID-19 has caused campuses to cancel classes, tours and admitted students days. There is no substitute for visiting a campus while it’s in session, attending a class, and talking to current students. However, there are a lot of online resources available to learn as much as you can in the meantime. It is comforting to know that colleges are being really flexible in their typical expectations and policies during the year of COVID-19.
What you can do now from home:
· Sign up for college newsletters and updates
· Open every email from the colleges you are interested in and click on the links
· Reach out to your admissions officers to establish contact and get any questions you have answered
· Attend Upcoming Virtual College Admission Events including tours and information sessions - Click on this google doc to view a growing list of colleges who have moved their tours and/or information sessions online in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your school counselor via email. Counselors are available through June 23 and will be on summer vacation too from the end of June through the end of August and won’t be accessing email during that time.
Thank you,
Mr. Libenzon
BHS College Counselor
[email protected]
And the BHS Counseling/Guidance Counselors
BHS Guidance and Special Education Departments recently hosted the virtual "College Supports for Students with Learning Differences" panel last week. We discussed supports available at colleges and then answered questions from the audience. The panel included representatives from BHS Guidance & Special Education Departments, and Admission Counselors from Curry College and UMass Lowell.
Here is the link so view the panel recording - http://bhs.brookline.k12.ma.us/guidance/college-supports-for-students-with-learning-differences
Take a physically distant stroll through the beauty of Northeastern's campus and take an unofficial visit to the school while viewing their on-campus arboretum at the same time! Be sure to call or email the NU Admissions office so they know you took the time to check out their school too.
Coming this Fall 2020 - NACAC Virtual Fair Dates for Students
NACAC's inaugural season of virtual college fairs for students starts in September. Students get the chance to learn about different institutions via a mobile experience that is totally intuitive, informative, interactive, and fun. Student registration for NACAC Virtual College Fairs will open later in the summer. For now, students can sign up for their email list and they’ll let them know as soon as registration opens.
Please note these fall dates:
- Sept. 13 -- Students Fall Kickoff
- Oct. 12
- Nov. 8
BHS Grad is offering a FREE College Exploration Opportunity!
Are you beginning the college search process just to find out all your college tours are cancelled? Do you wish you still had a way to learn about the colleges you’re interested in? StudentSide is a free service that allows you to talk to over 600 current college students at more than 50 schools around the country! My name is Nick Dahlborg, and I’m part of the BHS class of 2019, as well as a freshman at Duke University. I’m developing StudentSide to help simplify the college search process using real insights from real students. You can find someone just like you at the school of your dreams and chat with them, completely free of charge. If there are any questions, I can be reached at [email protected] or at [email protected]. I hope this is a valuable resource that the BHS community can use in these strange times, and hope it can help some of you learn things you never knew before about your favorite colleges!
Book a chat at today!https://www.studentside.org/book-online
Need some reassurance? These messages are similar to the many emails BHS counselors are receiving EVERY DAY from colleges about the admissions process for 2020-21.
Here's the Wesleyan statement:
“ We do not have any expectation that prospective students will learn how to code, pick up second or third languages, or even demonstrate depth and commitment to their existing activities. To be frank, we believe it is enough for students to prioritize their own wellness, as well as that of their families, right now. When the time is right, we will be interested to learn how and why students spent their time as they did.”
WPI Admissions Dean - https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/04/20/college-admissions-dean-writes-open-letter-panicked-high-school-juniors/?fbclid=IwAR2D_hi6NrTu8iSdFFkf0XclURlzsnpnR_xV8l1-Wu_OS-Tf41KiXMYJix0GA Tech - http://pwp.gatech.edu/admission-blog/2020/04/02/being-seen-this-one-is-for-the-juniors/
The OLS counselors continue to post 2 videos each week on CANVAS to touch base with their students and keep them informed. Students – be sure to check them out and also share with your parents-guardians!