Starting on Monday, September 19, we will host the College Visits. College Admissions Representatives will come to room 164 to talk to interested students. You can find the list by clicking on Colleges Tab in Naviance or by visiting
Here is what you need to do to attend the session: if you will be missing a class, take a green permission slip from room 162 (main guidance office) and ask your teacher to sign it at least a day prior to the meeting. Bring the signed form to the session. We will collect it and give it to your Dean's Secretary. You do not need to do this if you are coming during a free block. Please be advised that the college visit counts toward your attendance total (21 max for the year).
In addition, please register for the visit on Naviance at least a day in advance. This way the representative will know that you are coming and will have your email. Click on "View all upcoming visits" and then "Sign up" on Naviance.
Please email me with any questions!
Lenny Libenzon
BHS College Counselor, room 164. 617-713-5019