Upcoming “Days Of” school wide conversations for the BHS school community:
Thursday 5/12 – Day of Racial Reform and Solidarity
Thursday 5/19 - Day of Jewish Identity and Fighting Anti-Semitism
And big thanks (!) to the team who organized last Mon/Tues’ event - Ability: an Exhibit on Inclusion, Identity, & Ableism
These BHS Counseling Dept Weekly Update emails are sent to all students and the 1st contact parent/guardian listed on the students’ X2 accounts.
All NEW UPDATES will be highlighted in BLUE each week for easy scanning of newest info.
Immigrant Advancement Committee Resources
Brookline's Immigrant Advancement Committee (part of the town's Commission for Diversity, Inclusion & Community Relations) would like to share two important updates:
(1) FREE Citizenship Clinic - May 7 at 11am at the Brookline Main Library: we are collaborating with the library and the MIRA Coalition to host a free citizenship clinic to provide citizenship application assistance. Individuals interested in receiving assistance must register by calling 617-350-5480 x200 or emailing [email protected]. Flyers in multiple languages are attached. If you are interested in volunteering at the event, please fill out this form - you will receive training before the event!
(2) Resource document: The IAC has created a resource document for immigrants new to Brookline. This is a live document and continues to be in progress - we are open to suggestions and additions, and are also committed to adding translations. Please share widely!
Taking AP exams this week? Here’s another reminder of the steps you need to take – If you signed up for one or more AP exam this year, see the AP exam schedule attached to this email with room locations included. Please note, that if you have approved accommodations from the College Board, you need to check for your specific room location outside of room 164 (off of the atrium), because you will test in a separate setting. If you haven't already been in touch with us about your accommodations, please email us individually to make sure everything is all set. If you are taking the BC Calc or Spanish exam, there may be changes to the room location, and we will send you a separate email with more information.
If you are scheduled for an 8:00am exam, you must report to the exam room by 7:30am. If you are scheduled for an afternoon exam, you must report to the exam room by 11:30am.
Please bring the following materials to each exam:
- Photo ID
- #2 Pencils (no mechanical pencils allowed)
- Pens with blue or black ink only
- Calculator (if applicable, based on your exam)
- Cell phones are prohibited during exams and will be collected at the beginning of each exam.
- Students are excused for the entire day when taking an AP exam. These absences do not count toward the attendance total.
If you have any questions regarding your upcoming exams, please email Alexia Thomas or Kate Kennedy - AP Exam Coordinators- for more information: [email protected], [email protected]
Submit your statement by end of day today 5/2….Each year, one student is elected to serve on the school committee. The position is open to any grade 9-11 student who wishes to serve. This is one of the most significant student advocacy leadership roles in the Town of Brookline. This 1 student is charged with bringing reports to the school committee from the perspective of BHS students. This position is a significant time commitment and you should spend time reading our detailed and informative FAQ about this position: https://bit.ly/FAQschoolcommitteerep
In addition to attending School Committee meetings 2X per month on Thursdays evenings and preparing for those meetings through research and writing reports, the student elected to this position is also a member of the Student Council and Legislature which is an X block commitment every week of the school year.
If you think you would like to run for this position please submit your name and a short statement of interest by Monday, May 2, 2022, and attend a student council meeting to give a 2 min speech on your candidacy during Faculty Collab time on May 3rd in room 403. Student Council members are charged with reading statements and electing a representative following that meeting. Application is here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRNnGxYSy-5dbg4jyDCaGrjAbkPxPG_Yaxjft2Seqe744jFQ/viewform
Direct questions to [email protected]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The focus on everyone’s mental health has been highlighted on most of the BHS Guidance/Counseling Weekly Updates over this past year and previously. More reminders and resources will be shared over this month as well.
“YOU ARE NOT ALONE” has been a constant theme around wiping away the stigma of mental health. Did you know that ½ of all lifetime mental health conditions begin by age 14 and 75% by age 24? EARLY INVENTION CAN HELP!
And here again is the reminder from Head of School Meyer from 4/13-
Warrior Adults Available
A lot has been happening within and around our school and community over the past several weeks. … I want to remind all of you that there are many helping people at BHS. In addition to your teachers, there are guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists, advisors, nurses, paraprofessionals, librarians, deans, program coordinators and leaders, and many more folks who wish to hear from and help you.
Please check in with a high school adult…..if you need to; we will be here.
Interested in doing the “Info Time” BHS announcements next year? Current “Info Time” announcer senior Claire Gallion is looking to find a rising sophomore, junior, or senior for the next voice for Info Time! If you think you have what it takes, fill out this form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeypV6ykF92JV-bom_xxNzwY-lVdnUok9ZwGYvZ9cjNUzZavQ/viewform - by FRIDAY, MAY 6TH at 3 PM.
In the wake of ongoing violence/racism against the AAPI Community, APAC (BHS' Asian Pacific American Club) wants to get more information from AAPI students and faculty about their experiences at BHS as an AAPI student or faculty member. This is the first step in making long-term, systemic change in our school community. We would appreciate any and all AAPI identifying BHS community members filling out this form. https://forms.gle/JJKWF3QmRnVCaVni7
Thank you for using your voice and being brave. Together we can make change.
In 2020, as a high school senior, Kaya Vadhan (BHS Class of 2021) founded a nationwide research journal for law and the social sciences: The High School Journal of Law & Society. The journal operates as a collective of talented high school students dedicated to promoting and highlighting excellence in their peers’ law and social science writings. Submission offers an opportunity for students to have their papers edited by seasoned scholars, compete for the Whipple Prize ($100), an excellence-in-writing award offered to the top submission of each issue, and bolster college applications through publication in a national journal. We are currently seeking submissions for our 4th Issue and are hosting a series of information sessions during this week of April 11th. Check out this website link for more information - https://www.hslawandsociety.com/
Checking in on your mental health…..
BHS counselors, social workers, school psychologists are here to support you! If you are worried about yourself, a friend, a family member, please don’t worry alone. Please talk to a trusted adult, including a BHS support staff person.
Here are other resources to consider:
- Youth Mobile Crisis Intervention Worcester Team: 1-866-549-2142
- Emergency Mental Health Services (EMH): 508-334-3562 - UMass Memorial Hospital
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741741
Check out the UPDATED Summer 2022 Opportunities document! Copy and paste this link for the most updated programs - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LZJQoWB4C-JLr13sXkUqEcBvCBraUo3eWYtMG_DUDac/edit
This document is being updated regularly with more opportunities including jobs, internships, and summer programs.
Thinking about a summer camp counselor job? There are a number of camp organizations looking for counselors NOW! See the BHS Guidance website / Career Counseling link 🡪 summer jobs 2022 for more info - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LZJQoWB4C-JLr13sXkUqEcBvCBraUo3eWYtMG_DUDac/edit#heading=h.i9miodlpjya
Lunch Lounge is offered for all of the students who may or may not have some social connections in classes, including new to BHS students. It is a welcoming, inclusive drop-in lunch community that engages kids with friendly conversation, other kids interested in making friends, and a warm and familiar staff member. Unfortunately, Lunch Lounges will be closed for these days due to AP testing:
Week B (May 2 and 4)
- Monday E - Lunch B - CLOSED
- Wed C - Lunch A and B - CLOSED
- Friday D - Lunch A and B - OPEN
Week A (May 9,11,13)
- Monday E -Lunch A and B - CLOSED
- Wednesday C - Lunch A and B - CLOSED
- Friday D - Lunch A and B - CLOSED
Lunch at 22 Tappan –
Does the cafeteria sometimes feel too loud or too crowded? Does it sometimes feel difficult to make friends with new people during the lunch block?
Come join Lunch Lounge on Fridays in room 206, a dedicated space to form positive relationships with peers! Games will be provided. Fun is optional and encouraged!
BHS Club Info:
Are you interested in robotics and want to do it on a competitive level? Apply here to be on either the Brookline Bots, an all girls/gender non-conforming team, or a newly forming co-ed robotics team. By joining a team, you will get the opportunity to not only learn how to build and program competition robots, but work towards a larger goal of the Brookline Robotics Initiative non profit to expand robotics in Brookline. To learn more about our community, check out our website (brooklinerobotics.org) or email us with any questions at [email protected] or [email protected]
Are you interested in creating artwork, writing letters, helping senior citizens or getting community service hours? Join the The Letters for Rose Brookline Team
See this slideshow for information on how to get involved: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vgbNMoolkoRo5diJsISagvgNyQBhKwu3oL51Q2PdTuA/edit?usp=sharing
Community Service Opportunities for BHS Students:
Are you interested in food equity and hope to combat food security? Join Mutual Aid Brookline! We are an organization started during the pandemic to address the urgent needs of the community right here in Brookline, including grocery delivery, language access, and financial support. We are short on volunteers, donations, and need help as much as we can! Sign up here to join: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YunqZkNG7cKLvp9FSb2UAJPUESM_bxTLNMixzfsD0u0/viewform
Brookline Community Fridge - Ongoing - Brothers & Sisters Cafe
15 Station St
The way the system works is that a business will host a space for the fridge and pay for electricity. The fridge is run by volunteers who perform tasks like removing expired food, keeping the fridge clean, donating food, and keeping a running list of what the fridge could use. Anyone interested can find more information on the Brookline Community Fridge Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/brooklinecommunityfridge/) or sign up to volunteer via this form: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c44a9af28abfdcf8-volunteer1.
BHS COMMUNITY SERVICE INFO - Even though Brookline High does not have a community service requirement for graduation, many BHS students become involved in their school or greater Brookline community through service. These opportunities provide a chance for students to better understand and give back to those in need, plus offer a direct strategy to deal with emotions and stress by making connections with others and becoming engaged with something larger than one’s self. Adding community service activities can be beneficial to your college applications down the road too!
You do NOT have to have community service officially listed on your BHS transcript for credit to have its impact be noted for your own sense of self or to colleges. If you do want to have community service hours count for BHS credit, please be aware of these important criteria:
- must be a service within BHS or Brookline or greater Brookline community
- any service hours beyond 50 MUST be approved by the BHS Community Service Coordinator ([email protected]) – see attached form
- 50 hours = .25 credit; 100 hours = .5 credit; 150 hours = .75 credit; 200 hours = 1.0 credit
- hours must be logged and verified by the service organization supervisor and Ms Gaffney at BHS
– Check out Teen Life by copying and pasting this link- https://www.teenlife.com/category/volunteer/?keyword=&location=boston&program-type=volunteer
- The BHS Community Service info on the school’s website has been updated with BHS specific community service opportunities plus opportunities in the Brookline/Boston area - http://bhs.brookline.k12.ma.us/community-service.html
CONGRATULATIONS to all seniors who have proceeded through the college process and have now made the decision about your
next step after BHS graduation!
If you are still sorting out your plan, we may be in touch with you to offer support and resources. If you would like to reach out, please contact your counselor, dean, special education liaison, or other trusted BHS adult so we can work with you to have a plan that you are proud of and excited about as you leave the BHS community.BHS Coun Weekly Update. Week of 5.2.22
From the BHS Deans for Seniors - Prom and After-the-Prom Party tickets go on sale this Monday (important instructions on how to make purchases are at the end of this important letter). As you read in the Senior Letter sent on Wednesday, April 13, all students who attend the Senior Prom must also attend the After-the-Prom Party and stay until at least 3:30 am.
This is a safety issue.
The BHS After-the-Prom Party is a 32-year-old tradition that has kept our Seniors, their dates, and Brookline’s roads safe every year since its inception on one of the most dangerous nights of their high school careers. This Brookline tradition has not only been a great relief for senior parents and caregivers, but Brookline Police and local doctors as well:
"I help out each year because I know it works. We do not have ER visits from Brookline students on their prom night." – 2019 ATPP Volunteer and Emergency Room Doctor
This year promises to be another spectacular event, themed, "Hollywood!” Seniors will revel in the spotlight, walking the red carpet, while being treated to a variety of foods, live entertainment, games, and fun activities that will keep them engaged all night long. All of this is planned by dozens of our amazing PTO volunteers who spend countless hours planning, setting up, chaperoning, and cleaning up after this incredible event! We are grateful for the many caregiver volunteers who are committed to giving our seniors a fun and safe place to be after the Prom.
For this night to be successful, we need your support in communicating to your seniors and their friends that they must attend.
Here are some talking points for you:
- The Tappan gym building will be transformed into a 3-story party palace, with every surface decorated so our seniors will feel like movie stars!
- There is entertainment all night long: DJ, game show, karaoke, arcade games, and a hypnotist show!
- There is a buffet with their favorite foods: burritos from Los Amigos, pizza from Otto’s, chicken fingers from Raising Canes and so much more!
- There are prizes: T-shirts, gift cards to JP Licks, and other favorites!
- Fine up to $2,000 or
- Imprisonment for up to a year or
- Both
Please see below instructions on how to log into our online payment system.
Purchasing Prom & After-the-Prom tickets as well as Cap & Gown payment beginning Monday, May 2, 2022:
The payment system BHS is using this year is new this year.
Please follow the instructions below your Senior purchases.
Step 1: Use this link- https://ma-brookline.intouchreceipting.com. Tickets can only be purchased through parent/caregiver accounts.
Step 2: Click "first time user" (since you are a 1st time user of this site).
Step 3: Use your Aspen user name that you use to see grades and attendance on the Aspen site.
Step 4: "Create" a "new" password (or choose the same password you use for Aspen to keep it simple).
Step 5: Click the button to “create account.” You should now be able to purchase your senior items.
April 2022 Scholarship letter from BHS College Counselor Lenny Libenzon - check it out here: https://bhs.brookline.k12.ma.us/guidance/april-scholarship-letter
This is the last week to complete your BHS Scholarship application! Don’t miss out on the many need-based scholarships available through the BHS Scholarship Program! To apply, follow the three easy steps below. If you have already completed these steps, please disregard this email. Let me know if you have questions.
- Complete the BHS Scholarship Application found on the link below (It’s easy to complete and is also on the home page of the BHS website): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxuMBFxf34QTnthYozkKVxjD8Z94VS8DhQIgNr27uroqcRmg/viewform (Links to an external site.)
- Submit your CSS Profile to the BHS Scholarship Program. The CSS Profile application is on the College Board Website. You must complete the CSS Profile and then submit it to the Brookline Scholarship Program – code 0424. Submitting the CSS Profile to a college does not mean that you have submitted it to the BHS Scholarship Program. You need to send it specifically to the BHS Scholarship Program – code 0424
- Once you know what college you will attend, you will need to submit the financial aid letter you receive from that college.
Are you interested in participating in your graduation ceremony (in addition to receiving your diploma!)? Do you sing or play an instrument? Would you like to give a graduation speech? If you think you may be interested, be sure to note the deadlines below –
May 6th -- Musicians/singers for graduation deadline:
Seniors interested in playing an instrument or singing at graduation should submit their names and proposed performance to Ms. Fagan in room 162 by Friday, May 6. Auditions are scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th at 3:15 in the band room. Mr. Driscoll, Ms. Castellano, & deans, will help select the final performers.
May 11 -- Graduation speaker deadline:
If you are interested in speaking at graduation, please submit a 3-5 minute audition video to Dean Figueroa by Wednesday, May 11th. A smaller group will be selected for a live audition the week of May 16th. You will be evaluated for appropriateness, delivery, and clarity of thought. We do not expect a finished speech but the more you have completed, the better you will do.
Please contact Dean Redding if you have any questions.
Every year, BHS Guidance relies on our seniors to enter their college admissions results in Naviance. This helps our juniors and sophomores to then have updated scattergrams for each university. So we need you help now.
Please log in to your Naviance account and update your results for every college you have heard from (admit, deny, waitlist, etc). Here is how: Go to Naviance account and click "Colleges I Am Applying to," then click on the little pencil (Edit), and update your results.
PLEASE HELP US NOW! Juniors will be grateful!
TOMORROW NIGHT – Monday 5/2 @6:30 pm on zoom….
The BHS Counseling and Special Education Departments will host the virtual "College Supports for Students with Learning Differences" panel (zoom link below). We will talk about support available at colleges and then answer questions from the audience. At present, the panel includes Ms Neff-Verre and Mr. Libenzon (BHS Counseling Dept), Ms. April Zyirek (BHS Special Education Coordinator), Mr. Brandon McCarthy (BHS Transitions Program) and Admission Counselors from several Mass colleges. Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 957 3709 9391
Passcode: 089962
And join this virtual event this Wed 5/4!
Nationally known author and speaker Harlan Cohen is back to talk about –
17 Things You Need to Do Before Going to College
Program: 17 Things You NEED To Do Before College (for students and parents)
Date: May 4, 2022 at 7pm ET (Wednesday night)
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I7mJg-ghTDGzMN_y3iZBew
Program Details: Join New York Times bestselling author Harlan Cohen with this info-packed interactive live virtual event. Harlan will deliver tips and strategies that are foundational for college success. Learn about the latest research, trends, and plans college campuses are making to welcome the class of 2026. This event is perfect for high-school seniors, parents, and juniors in the college planning process. Visit www.HarlanCohen.com to learn more.
Want to be considered for BHS National Honor Society as a senior?
Here’s what you should be doing:
- maintain an overall 3.3 or better BHS GPA
- complete minimum of 15 hours of community service (Sept 2021 – August 2022) - If you'd like a tool for keeping track of your community service, you can use this google doc organizer - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OStrm_4nJw0_rheAZVLYJpWGwsTO1IHSXMfBbtWFJQI/edit#gid=0. Make and save a copy of it to maintain your own record. You'll be able to submit this as part of your application in your senior year.
- NHS info blast shared to all eligible seniors in May and applications completed in early Sept 2022
PreACT takers… Ready to get your scores? Plan to join the PreACT score report zoom presentation on Thurs 5/19 during X block. Lenny Libenzon, BHS College Counselor, will provide an overview of the PreACT score report - zoom link will be shared starting next week. Students can pick up their own report from their counselor at the end of the presentation in the BHS Atrium (at the entrance where the Warrior statues “live”).
We will not be distributing these score reports until 5/19 X block and afterwards. See you all then!
Check out the BHS Junior Timeline attached to this email. This will give you a preview of the important steps you’ll be taking as you start next year.
Lunch at 22 Tappan –
Does the cafeteria sometimes feel too loud or too crowded? Does it sometimes feel difficult to make friends with new people during the lunch block?
Come join Lunch Lounge on Fridays in room 206, a dedicated space to form positive relationships with peers! Games will be provided. Fun is optional and encouraged!