If you have not uploaded your 2021-22 course requests to the student portal, PLEASE UPLOAD BY END OF DAY THIS TUESDAY 3/30. Be sure to include elective and wellness course requests plus alternates, considering the required courses/credits needed for graduation. The portal will be closed after this Tues and any changes may not be possible until Fall 2021. You can find the portal instructions attached to this email. After you complete entering your requests, click Post at the bottom of the page. This lets your counselor know that you are finished entering requests.
Please contact your counselor if you have questions.
Reminder to families to complete the latest Blackboard survey (link below) regarding remote vs full in-person by this Tuesday 3/30. BHS Head of School Anthony Meyer communicated on Wed 3/24 - “...Beginning on 4/8/21, BHS will no longer be offering a hybrid option. While this survey deadline is an important one, we will continue to consider individual extenuating circumstances after this date. Although we have offered a great deal of flexibility for good reason this year, we are working to get ahead of DESE who will be mandating districts to prioritize in-person learning, dissolve hybrid approaches, and retain remote learning as an option for students and families who need it” -
The Monday/Friday ½ day PD days (student dismissal at 12:15) are now cancelled. Students will have full school days, starting tomorrow 3/29. Wednesday remote ½ days continue for the next three weeks – 3/31, 4/1, 4/7, 4/14. Beginning Wednesday 4/28 (after April break) Wednesdays ½ days will happen in-person.
See this week’s special schedule due to Friday 4/2 being off for the Good Friday/Easter weekend - attached to this email.
Reminder - District wide PD day for all students K-12 on Tuesday April 6. Students will end their day at 12:40. Special schedule coming soon!
Keep in mind that any new updates to the Weekly Update are highlighted in blue.
Dates to Note-
March 9-30 - Portal open to add electives, wellness for 2021-22 school year
April 5 - Deadline for course level changes. Next opportunity to override is after two week waiting period in September. Please consider your student’s teacher recommendations and reach out to the teacher (or counselor) if you have any questions.
April 6 - Quarter 3 ends
Mental health Supports:
SAVE THE DATE! On Tues., April 6 @ 7 p.m., Jon Mattleman will present Light at the End of the Tunnel: Strategies and Resources for the Transitions. A special parent presentation on how we can manage anxiety, optimize resilience, and keep our families in balance as COVID restrictions relax, kids go back to school, and we resume some level of normalcy. Bringing 35 years of experience as a therapist, he uses insight, warmth, and humor to share practical tools, tips, techniques, and resources to help guide us through challenging transitions to new situations. Specific details on this virtual presentation to follow.
BHS Guidance Dept and BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy and team are offering a Virtual Career Month to students!
These Career Month events will happen during X blocks from April 6th to May 14th. Panels of individuals will share their career journeys within specific career clusters (see table below). Use this opportunity to network, learn about different careers, and explore careers you are interested in pursuing! Come to one or come to all of them! Questions? Email BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy at [email protected].
To sign up for any panel please complete this google form link- (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdj2sidyBbzQRVic_FeMr1SJQY8Gp0KBx6HXtVgrLnUvBU1Dw/viewform) and indicate all the panels you would like to attend. You will get an email 1 week before the panel. Examples of some (but not all) careers are listed under each career cluster category below:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (Farmers, Water resource specialists, environmental engineers)
Hospitality & Tourism (Bartenders, cooks, travel agents)
Architecture & Construction Arts (Carpenters, electricians, architects)
Human Services (Psychologists, social workers, barbers)
Audio/Video Technology & Communications (film and video editors, actors, graphic designers)
Information Technology (video game designers, web developers, computer programmer)
Business, Management & Administration (human resources, facilities managers, project management)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (police, judge, attorney)
Education & Training (Teachers, coaches)
Manufacturing (woodworkers, chemical technicians, locksmiths)
Finance (accountants, insurance sales, loan officers)
Marketing, Sales & Service (real estate agents, telemarketers, models)
Government & Public Administration (Legislators, national security, building inspectors)
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Physicists, mechanical engineers, automotive engineers)
Health Science (Biomedical engineers, Dentists, doctors)
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (air traffic controllers, truck drivers, dispatchers)
This Tuesday 3/30 7pm, MAB (Mutual Aid Brookline) and BHS GSA present…. a FREE virtual event with Brookline High School Graduate, LGBTQ+ Activist, and the first openly gay Major League Rugby player, Devin Ibañez!
Register now at MABLGBTQ.eventbrite.com!
Devin will be joined by members of the Brookline High School Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA) to discuss queerness in Brookline, pro-sports, and beyond!
Devin has been interviewed on WCVB, written articles for Outsports and Sky Sports, and featured on the BBC Rugby Podcast. You can learn more about him at thatgayrugger.com and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @ThatGayRugger.
Brandeis University is inviting middle school and high school students all around the world to participate in their SPLASH! event. SPLASH! is an event in which current Brandeis Undergraduates teach interactive classes to younger students COMPLETELY FOR FREE!. This learning extravaganza allows middle and high schoolers to learn and grow their interests about niche subjects. SPLASH! 2021 will be held virtually on APRIL 3RD AND APRIL 4TH 2021.
Attached you will find a poster of the event and the list of classes that will be taught this year. Register as a student: bit.ly/register-splash
If you have any additional questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]!
There is a science help center at BHS run by peer tutors. Feel free to stop by if you need help in your science classes, or want to ask a quick question.
Science help center times: Tuesday's X-Block, Wednesdays afterschool (12:15-1:00), and Friday's X-Block.
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/s/95851906783?pwd=cTBHUDRVTXBLVU1qb3RrVWVoTEFMUT09#success
Meeting ID: 958 5190 6783
Meeting Password: 7mKpKY
Please email [email protected] for any questions!
Are you interested in sharing your art with a supportive group of peers, or simply coming to enjoy other’s work? Look no further than SWS Art Show, Friday, April 16th at 6:30pm. Artists across the school will be able to auction, donate, or just share all of their hard work. The event is open to anyone interested in coming - - so come! Fill out this link to get involved, and email [email protected] for more information.
BHS Students taking AP Exams – Total Registration email was sent to you recently but you can also see the updated AP exam information and BHS exam schedule attached to this email.
Download the official Brookline High School App! Created by the App Development Club, the BHS App is an innovative product that transforms your high school experience.
Get real-time schedule tracking. Chat with students in your classes. Make school wide announcements. Make new friends. All through the BHS App!
To download, search “Brookline High School” on the Google Play or Apple App Store; or visit https://bhsappdev.github.io.
Students – Need help in math? Check this out…. Student-led Math Center with the guidance of Mr. Paris and Ms. Kostant. Every morning from 7:30 to 8:15, they hold a Zoom Meeting that students can join to receive help in any of their work in math. Here’s a link to the daily Zoom Meeting: (https://zoom.us/j/96741784699?pwd=QW4yNzZMSlRUR2NQcjhBRmFOQ052Zz09).
BHS Club and Extracurricular information:
BHS Do Something Club is sponsoring a book drive now until April 8. Drop off any books to the box in the BHS Atrium. Books will be delivered to Boston Public School Library Services. See attached flyer for more info!
Have you ever wanted to build muscle or better your performance in sports? BHS Lifting & Nutrition may be the place for you. We go in depth on many lifting techniques and exercises to help build muscle for efficiency in athletics or for aesthetics. We pair that with a nutrition course to make sure even after your workout you're still making improvements (75% diet, 25% training). We welcome all those interested in attending and hope to see you there.
Meeting time Mondays @7pm Zoom link:
BHS is creating the first girls rugby team at BHS this Spring! Check out their website - https://brooklinegirlsrugby.wixsite.com/my-site. Currently recruiting for the boys and girls teams!
Interested in playing or have questions?
Girls Captain: [email protected]
Boys Captain: [email protected]
Are you interested in getting involved with the BHS community and finding a concrete group of peers to call your own, all while honing your theatrical skills? Look no further than BHS' Drama Society, led by it's student exec board and teachers, comprising in-school classes, community events, and shows! At the high school, drama courses include Drama 1/1A (full and half year courses for students just getting involved,) Drama 2/2A (a continual buildup of growth extending from Drama 1 classes,) and our upper-level BETCo and Needs Improvment options! In the future, on Thursday and Friday, March 4th-5th, the States Devised Show will go up at 7:00pm each night, written by the students themselves! The following week on Thursday and Friday, March 11th-12th, the Spring Play will premiere, (also at 7:00pm each showtime and student written.) AND, if you weren't enticed enough to get involved, auditions for the annual Student Directed Festival will be happening March 17th, with several student-lead pieces to possibly be cast in! Keep an eye on incoming information, and we can't wait to (hopefully) meet you!
BHS Drama Society Exec Board
*visit our Instagram @bhsdramasoc, TikTok @brooklinedramasociety, and website brooklinedrama.weebly.com to stay clued in on upcoming events!*
COVID and Expanded Resources - From Mutual Aid Brookline
Highlights from Brookline COVID Services This Week -
- There is an official timeline for the remaining vaccine eligibility phases:
April 5th: Residents 55+ and residents with one certain medical condition
April 19th: General public ages 16 years of age and older
- Eligible people should now pre-register for vaccine appointments at https://vaccinesignup.mass.gov/
- Fenway is closed as a vaccination site as of today, the 27th
- Hynes will be expanded with new support from FEMA (this means more available doses)
- You can use https://www.covidvaccinetexts.com/ (unofficial site) to get text alerts when appointments are posted at CVS and Walgreens locations
- You can use https://macovidvaxhelp.com/ (unofficial site) to either sign up for help making your appointment or sign up to help others!
Expanded Services Available - Ongoing - Brookline Center
The Brookline Center's "Care Connections" program provides support for residents of Brookline who need assistance with public benefits, advocacy, care coordination, or referrals to community resources. You are not required to be a patient at the Brookline Center to use these services.
See the flyer here (and attached to this email): https://drive.google.com/file/d/13vUu55L-A2Oioq2z5LrEg1YieKV090oJ/view?usp=sharing.
To request assistance: https://bit.ly/3ckfb2h.
For questions about the referral process or other concerns contact [email protected] or 857-707-3471.
Summer Opportunities and Jobs:
Opportunities 2021 for BHS students– Summer is only 3 months away and it’s time to think to sun, temperatures in the 80’s and interesting ways to spend your summer. Thanks to BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy and counseling intern David Ehrlich, please copy and paste this google doc in your browser for more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o7GiMWRfEo2ByK8I7d1EvNRgF4h4NkGHKT9T64XtuNU/edit
And here’s a link to the Teen Life updated 2021 Summer Programs guide - https://indd.adobe.com/view/68806d31-27c9-4616-bfa7-7283711259c0. A great resource for many summer opportunities!
Resources for remote volunteer opportunities for BHS:
Try checking out this community service link from the free resource Teen Life - https://www.teenlife.com/category/volunteer/volunteer-boston/
REGISTER TO VOTE BY APRIL 14th! Anyone who is 16 and older is eligible to register, and anyone 18+ can vote. There is a Select Board election happening MAY 4th, make sure your voice is heard on a local level!
Here is a guide we have put together: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LsSNlSNrVuZEZffWoAYD_o2h2sNo0W9ITtTeMgjlkNQ/edit?usp=sharing
Check out this slide for more details: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/182lgVG6yTEo8G8zHuiQbbeKCGCFYmBaHd_R4sBsvLJs/edit?usp=sharing
Stay tuned with Sunrise Brookline for more info!
Brookline Scholarship application period ends on April 15. All students who would like to be considered for the BHS scholarships (which are need based) need to submit their scholarship applications and CSS Profile by April 15th.
The scholarship application link is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp0n0dznzcGGiZ12S8sfE57lyshVlD_DOKqlfyjz_2yK0l1w/viewform and can also be found on the main page of the BHS website.
The CSS Profile is located on the College Board website. It must be completed and submitted to the BHS Scholarship Fund - code 0424.
If you got into a school and you are 100% sure you will not go there, please let them know (especially if this is a state school). Colleges are experiencing a huge increase in applications this year, and are therefore using waitlist and deferrals--so your email might help another student get in.
Thinking about a post grad path that is NOT college specific? Check in with your counselor and/or Kate Kennedy, the BHS Career Counselor, for ideas and resources.
Happening this Wednesday, March 31 at 6:30 pm, BHS Guidance and Special Education Departments will host the "College Supports for Students with Learning Differences" panel. We will talk about supports available at colleges and then answer questions from the audience. At present, the panel includes representatives from BHS Guidance & Special Education Departments, and Admission Counselors from Curry College (Caisie Wynot), UMass Lowell (Thomas Screnci) and MassBay Community College (Peter Schilling).
Below is the zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 9091 9279
Passcode: 363134
Are you aware of the New England Tuition Break program? Basically, if you are accepted to one of the New England STATE schools, you can go there for Mass State Tuition cost IF you are interested in majoring in a concentration that is not offered in MA. To find the list of majors, discounts, and universities, go here: https://nebhe.org/tuitionbreak/find-a-program/
Last year, one of our students went to UConn for the price of UMass by participating in this program. Please email me if you have any questions!
[email protected] BHS College Counselor
Save the Date - Evening online webinar event from author and presenter Harlan Cohen on Wednesday, April 14 @ 7pm- 17 Things You Need To Do Before College: Brookline High School students and parents are invited to attend this info-packed event that will relieve stress and provide tips and strategies to navigate the changes ahead. New York Times bestselling author and leading authority on college success, Harlan Cohen, hosts this entertaining and interactive event. Learn about the latest research, trends, and plans college campuses are making to welcome the Class of 2021. This event is perfect for seniors, parents and juniors in the college planning process. There is no cost to attend.
Copy and paste this registration link to your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-kfUII_XQTOLCHEm516JDw
STUDENTS' SUGGESTIONS TO PARENTS FOR HELPING WITH COLLEGE/POST-HIGH SCHOOL PLANNINGBy the second semester of junior year, family stress ramps up significantly as students try to balance schoolwork, study for SATS, look into colleges or other post-BHS options, etc. All of this comes with a lot of internal and external judgment, even during years when COVID is not an issue. How can families be supportive without adding to the pressure? This year’s BHS Peer Leaders have put together some excellent tips to consider in the Parent Tip Sheet Student Suggestions to Parents for Helping with College/Post-High School Planning - https://www.b-pen.org/uploads/2/9/2/9/2929884/jr._parent_tip_sheet.pdf?mc_cid=95767123c3&mc_eid=ca3683a655pen.org/uploads/2/9/2/9/2929884/jr._parent_tip_sheet.pdf?mc_cid=95767123c3&mc_eid=ca3683a655
Missed the BHS College Fair 3 weeks ago? Did you attend the BHS College Fair and found good information or got some important questions answered? You are now a virtual college fair expert! Time to attend some more virtual COLLEGE FAIRS!
National Portfolio Days
Students can register to attend any of the free, online National Portfolio Days. Copy and paste this link to your browser - https://nationalportfolioday.org/about-national-portfolio-day-events/
Upcoming dates include:
Saturday April 10 8am-12pm CST
Friday May 7th 10am-4pm CST
Upon registering, participating students will receive information on how to upload their portfolio for the virtual reviews. Representatives will access their work while the review happens virtually on the day/time of the scheduled event.
NACAC Virtual College Fair - https://virtualcollegefairs.org/events
Register for any or all of these dates:
April 10 – 148 Colleges and Universities from the Western US
April 20 – 162 Colleges and Universities from the Southeastern US
May 2 – 597 International and US Colleges and Universities
College Admissions Boot Camp – Free webinar sessions on topics important to the college application process. Sponsored by NEARR (New England Area Regional Representatives).
Registration is required - https://regionalreps.org/admissions-bootcamp
March 31, 2-3 pm: Tips for Writing the College Essay
April 8, 7-8 pm: Ask Admissions Anything
April 13, 7-8:30 pm: Application Case Studies
Thinking about a Gap Year after graduation? Here’s a list of free gap year specific webinars and another virtual Gap Year Fair you can register to attend - https://www.gooverseas.com/gap-year/usa-fairs/schedule
BHS Librarians are offering FREE online ACT/ SAT/ TOEFL test prep support continues. Any junior can register for any or all sessions to support their admissions testing preparation. Check out the attached flyer and register here - https://forms.gle/2y1uxvhMs9j7xW2M7
9th and 10th Graders
Sign up for the Peer Leadership Class - CE5900 Peer Leadership and Public Health - How do we change people’s behavior? Drawing from public health, social work, and psychology, students will learn about many of the complex social, emotional and health issues that affect today’s youth and how to address them. Students in the course will design and implement new ways to help Brookline youth, focusing particularly on maintaining mental health, creating a more accepting school culture, developing healthy relationships, preventing the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and reducing stress. Students will learn skills such as facilitating groups, using media and social media, and preparing presentations for parent groups, Wellness classes, and public hearings. In addition, students will develop experience in public speaking and leadership, learning to be successful not only in this class but also in future endeavors.
Meets Z block 2-3 mornings a week. Some outside of class presentations to Wellness classes and evening forums. Teacher Abby Dean, MPH, LICSW for questions [email protected]