Quarter 3 grades were posted to the Student and Parent Portals on Thursday 4/15. Students should review their report card to find out their status in current courses and their progress to graduation.
Now we head into the last leg of the 2020-21 school year. All in-person students will be coming to school for 5 days starting this week – NO MORE REMOTE WEDNESDAYS.
IMPORTANT NOTE: X blocks have will continue on Tuesdays and Fridays but will move to an afternoon time from 2:25-3pm.
Please see the BHS schedule (with changing Wednesday blocks) and the PSB district final revision of the school calendar for this year attached to this email.
Seniors have 5 weeks of school… hang in there and do your best!
Students in grades 9-11 have 9 weeks of school left!
We Can Do This Together!
Mark your calendars! The Public Schools of Brookline is offering a virtual event for parents and guardians of K-12 youth this Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
This year couldn't be more different. As students go back to school, and we all try to move toward returning to some form of normalcy, each of us can be proactive in supporting our children's mental health. Join Jenna DiLossi, LPC and Young Adult Speaker Elizabeth for a dynamic workshop.
Through relevant examples and easy-to-implement tips, Jenna will provide a framework to understand mental health. Elizabeth will share her experience as a student who struggled with anxiety and perfectionism, how she hid her struggles, and found positive supports on her path to recovery. There will be time set aside for questions.
To register: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/296/8rxz1sq7
This event is presented by Minding Your Mind. The event is being brought to the PSB community through our membership to the Massachusetts Youth Partnership (MPY). The MPY membership has been generously sponsored this school year by the Brookline Education Foundation.
If you can't attend the event live, be sure to register to receive a recording of the event that will be available for 7 days.
If you missed the student Panorama Survey in Advisory/Hub, here are the instructions for taking this survey.
To better support you, your school and teachers would like to ask you some questions about how you think and feel. Your teachers, support staff (e.g., guidance counselors, social workers), and school leaders will be able to see your responses. There may also be times where we share your responses with your caregivers. Please respond honestly—there are no right or wrong answers! Please know that completing this survey is completely optional and your responses will not impact your grades.
You can access the link to the survey through your email. In your email, you should see a message from Panorama Education. If you are having difficulty finding the email, you can use this link: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/brookline/login To use this link, you will be asked to enter an access code, which is the first part of your PSBMA email (the year of your graduation, last name, and first initial. For example, 28smithj.) You will need to use all lower case letters. Please email any survey questions to [email protected]
Survey for AAPI students about racism at BHS
In the wake of recent events like the shooting in Atlanta, our community vigil, and discussions with some AAPI students and faculty, APAC (BHS' Asian Pacific American Club) wants to get more information from AAPI students about their experiences at BHS as an AAPI student. This is the first step in being about to make long term, systemic change in our school community. We would appreciate any and all AAPI identifying BHS community members to fill out this form.
Thank you for using your voice and being brave. Together we can make change.
The annual scholarship competition by Brookline American Legion Post 11 just launched!
College or college-bound students can win money for school, with $4000 in prizes to be awarded. The assignment is to create a 2-4 minute video about one of the Memorial Squares in Brookline to educate the viewer about the veteran for whom the square is named.
Details and signup here: https://go.brooklinepost11.com/scholarship
The students did an amazing job last year. Last year’s video entries are available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYwOKTG0NnZbVA8KqTR8CYEIs7SK2Qd9z
Virtual Career Month continue!
BHS Guidance Dept and BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy and team are offering interesting career panels every X block to students! These events will continue during X blocks from April 26 to May 14th. Panels of individuals will share their career journeys within specific career clusters (see table below). Use this opportunity to network, learn about different careers, and explore careers you are interested in pursuing! Come to one or come to all of them! Questions? Email BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy at [email protected].
If you missed the panels on Law/Public Safety and Marketing/Sales/Service last week – go to the BHS Career Counseling section of the Guidance website- http://bhs.brookline.k12.ma.us/career-counseling1.html - to see the recordings and get more information on any future BHS Virtual Career Month panels, plus previous 2020-21 Career Coffee Talk panels or the Resume Writing webinar.
To sign up for any panel please complete this google form link- (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdj2sidyBbzQRVic_FeMr1SJQY8Gp0KBx6HXtVgrLnUvBU1Dw/viewform) and indicate all the panels you would like to attend. You will get an email 1 week before the panel. Examples of some (but not all) careers are listed under each career cluster category below:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (Farmers, Water resource specialists, environmental engineers)
Hospitality & Tourism (Bartenders, cooks, travel agents)
Architecture & Construction Arts (Carpenters, electricians, architects)
Human Services (Psychologists, social workers, barbers)
Audio/Video Technology & Communications (film and video editors, actors, graphic designers)
Information Technology (video game designers, web developers, computer programmer)
Business, Management & Administration (human resources, facilities managers, project management)
Education & Training (Teachers, coaches)
Manufacturing (woodworkers, chemical technicians, locksmiths)
Finance (accountants, insurance sales, loan officers)
Marketing, Sales & Service (real estate agents, telemarketers, models)
Government & Public Administration (Legislators, national security, building inspectors)
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Physicists, mechanical engineers, automotive engineers)
Health Science (Biomedical engineers, Dentists, doctors)
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (air traffic controllers, truck drivers, dispatchers)
BHS Science Dept sponsoring Reverse STEM Fair, May 1 @ 9am
Imagine, you’re sitting in front of a computer screen, joystick in hand. Looking at the screen, you move the joystick to avoid the obstacles in your path, as you traverse an unknown hostile terrain under a rusty sky, a pale blue glowing dot low in the horizon (home). No... you’re not playing a video game! You’ve just landed at the BHS REVERSE STEM FAIR! Come hear about amazing, non-traditional fields that scientists and engineers are pioneering in the real world and the exciting work they are doing. If you think it would be cool to hear about what operating a robot on Mars is really like? What about, what does a physicist have to contribute to virus research? Do you love the idea of 3D printing medical prosthetics at home using open source designs? Would you want to meet a voice scientist (did you even know there was such a field?!)? We’ve got you covered! High school science is just the beginning! How many times have YOU asked, “When am I going to use this??” Now is your chance to find out! Come join us Saturday, May 1st, from 9:00 -12:30, for a series of talks by scientists and engineers addressing these very topics! Families encouraged!
Welcoming remarks to be given by Megan Smith - Former Chief Technology Officer under President Obama. Special thanks to Brookline parent, John Werner, for his effort in curating and organizing the event. Details: Saturday, May 1st, 9:00-12:30. Zoom link to follow. See attached flyer for presenters.
UPDATES for the science help center at BHS continues and is run by peer tutors. Feel free to stop by if you need help in your science classes, or want to ask a quick question.
We're now offering science help in physics, chemistry and biology over zoom and in person!
Tuesday & Friday X Blocks (2:25-3:00)
Wednesday After School (12:15-1:00)
In person:
Room 376
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 6312 7211
Passcode: science
Email [email protected] or [email protected]
BHS Library Hours for the remainder of the school year:
Monday 8-4:00
Tuesday 8-3:00
Wednesday 8-1:00 (starting after break)
Thursday 8-4:00
Friday 8-3:00
Students should reserve a seat in the library, in advance, at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4badae2ea3face9-weekly
No need to reserve a seat for the 3-4pm library seats.
Students – Need help in math? Check this out…. Student-led Math Center with the guidance of Mr. Paris and Ms. Kostant. Every morning from 7:30 to 8:15, they hold a Zoom Meeting that students can join to receive help in any of their work in math. Here’s a link to the daily Zoom Meeting: (https://zoom.us/j/96741784699?pwd=QW4yNzZMSlRUR2NQcjhBRmFOQ052Zz09).
BHS Club and Extracurricular information:
The Brookline High School Women in Entrepreneurship Club has partnered with Invest in Girls, a program of the Council for Economic Education, whose mission is to usher in the first generation of financially literate girls and change the way girls interact with money. Please consider joining one (or all!) of the Friday X block workshop sessions scheduled in April and May. Contact BHS Business teacher Kellie Griffin ([email protected]) to sign up. See attached flyer for more info.
COVID and Expanded Resources - From Mutual Aid Brookline
You can check out the Mutual Aid Brookline Facebook group for the latest.
- There is an official timeline for the remaining vaccine eligibility phases:
April 19th: General public ages 16 years of age and older
- Eligible people should now pre-register for vaccine appointments at https://vaccinesignup.mass.gov/
- Hynes will be expanded with new support from FEMA (this means more available doses)
- You can use https://www.covidvaccinetexts.com/ (unofficial site) to get text alerts when appointments are posted at CVS and Walgreens locations
- You can use https://macovidvaxhelp.com/ (unofficial site) to either sign up for help making your appointment or sign up to help others!
Public Charge Rule Update - Ongoing - Project Bread
You can now apply for SNAP benefits with no risk to obtaining permanent legal residence! Call 1-800-645-8333 for assistance.
Ahora puede solicitar beneficios del SNAP sin arriesgar su capacidad para obtener residencia permanente! Llame al 1-800-645-8333.
211 COVID Vaccine Appointment Assistance Over the Phone - Ongoing - Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
A Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line helps residents 75 and older more easily schedule an appointment if they do not have internet or are unable to use the website at www.mass.gov/COVIDVaccine.
The call center is staffed with over 500 representatives who can provide live phone support to assist residents with booking an appointment.
The line is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Live call center workers will be available in English and Spanish, and 100 additional languages will be available through translators. Call center workers will have the same access to appointments that users will see on the public website.
The line can be accessed by dialing 2–1–1 and selecting the prompt for “Help Scheduling a Vaccine Appointment.” Residents may have to wait on the line given expected high call volume.
There is a Brookline Vaccine Resource Hub call center! The call center is open from Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until further notice. The number for the call center is 617-879-5636. Those who call after hours may leave a voicemail and their messages will be returned when the call center is open. Questions may also be submitted via email to [email protected].
There is also a Brookline vaccine FAQs page, which includes information about cost (yes, the vaccines will be free, and getting a vaccine will not impact immigration status): https://brooklinecovid19.com/vaccineFAQ/.
Expanded Services Available - Ongoing - Brookline Center
The Brookline Center's "Care Connections" program provides support for residents of Brookline who need assistance with public benefits, advocacy, care coordination, or referrals to community resources. You are not required to be a patient at the Brookline Center to use these services.
See the flyer here (and attached to this email): https://drive.google.com/file/d/13vUu55L-A2Oioq2z5LrEg1YieKV090oJ/view?usp=sharing.
To request assistance: https://bit.ly/3ckfb2h.
For questions about the referral process or other concerns contact [email protected] or 857-707-3471.
Summer Opportunities and Jobs:
Opportunities 2021 for BHS students– Summer is only 1 1/2 months away and it’s time to think to sun, temperatures in the 80’s and interesting ways to spend your summer. Thanks to BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy and counseling intern David Ehrlich, please copy and paste this google doc in your browser for more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o7GiMWRfEo2ByK8I7d1EvNRgF4h4NkGHKT9T64XtuNU/edit
And here’s a link to the Teen Life updated 2021 Summer Programs guide - https://indd.adobe.com/view/68806d31-27c9-4616-bfa7-7283711259c0. A great resource for many summer opportunities!
Resources for volunteer opportunities for BHS and the Brookline area:
Try checking out this community service link from the free resource Teen Life - https://www.teenlife.com/category/volunteer/volunteer-boston/
Thinking about a summer job? Check out the BHS Career Website – http://bhs.brookline.k12.ma.us/career-counseling and/or contact BHS Career Counselor Kate Kennedy directly at [email protected].
Are you interested in Steering? Would you like to help plan commencement events, make decisions on celebrations, design gift items? Please consider joining steering! Email [email protected] and [email protected] to join or for more information. We can't wait to see you!
Happening this Thursday 4/29, 7pm for Parents/ Caregivers of Seniors -
Thursday, April 29, 7 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 9433 7237
Passcode: 0cuhkk
Whether your student is heading off to college or the military or staying close to home for a gap year or to work, their transition from high school life will be a big change.
The PTO and B-PEN present a special evening with guest speaker Dr. Anjini Virmani, BHS Social Worker Abby Dean, and some recent BHS grads, addressing this milestone from both parent and student perspectives. Current trends, safety tips, practical messaging regarding alcohol/drug use, and useful strategies for letting go while maintaining open communication will be covered. Dr. Virmani will share important information about dealing with college student medical needs away from home, including HIPAA health privacy guidelines and a “medical tool kit.”
Financial Aid Award Letters…. Be sure you know what those letters say!
Here are some definitions of various financial aid semantics - http://admitted.nacacnet.org/wordpress/index.php/2021/04/09/financial-aid-award-letters-8-things-to-consider/#more-4753
Trying to figure out the financial aid packages for colleges you’ve been accepted to? Look to MEFA (MA Educational Financing Authority) and view this video –
If your child has not submitted the BHS Scholarship Application and CSS Profile but plans to do so, please submit it very soon. The application is easy to complete and is available here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp0n0dznzcGGiZ12S8sfE57lyshVlD_DOKqlfyjz_2yK0l1w/viewform and online on the Brookline High School homepage. To make fair decisions, the Scholarship Committee requires that families fill out the CSS Profile financial aid form, available at CollegeBoard.com. Submit the CSS Profile to code 0424 (the Brookline Scholarship Fund) ASAP too. The last piece that will be required is your child's financial aid letter from the college they plan to attend. So, once that is decided, have them send Ms Whelan a screenshot/picture of their financial aid letter that college provides (or of their student portal page from the college that shows their financial aid info). Her email is [email protected]. We know that many students may not make this decision before May 1st.
Additional Note: The Scholarship Committee uses three criteria for choosing award recipients: academics, contributions and activities at BHS, and most importantly, unmet financial need. There are no merit scholarships per se given out through this program.
Reminder Updates from Senior Deans Williams, Sudmyer, and Redding:
June 6th Graduation:
BHS Senior Deans Summer Williams, Ron Sudmyer and Lisa Redding are working with Hal Mason, Anthony Meyer, and many town and district leaders to create the best commencement experience within guidelines from the CDC, the Commonwealth, and the Town of Brookline. We are investigating several options, including an in-person ceremony, to give our Seniors a “walk across the stage” moment. As it stands, we have outdoor options on Sunday 6/6, our original commencement date. We will communicate directions and decisions in a more detailed manner soon, so please stay tuned. The Class of 2021 deserves a memorable graduation experience.
Celebratory Event:
Our Senior PTO members have begun meeting and welcoming volunteers to help plan a gathering for seniors. This group is also monitoring how other districts are organizing events as well. Parents/Caregivers who would like to volunteer to help plan, organize or otherwise contribute should contact our awesome PTO partners at [email protected].
Student Senior Steering Committee:
For Seniors who are interested in getting involved, please consider joining our Senior Steering Committee led by Dr. Erin Blette. The Committee is meeting this Friday, March 26, during X-block. Please email Dr. Blette for more information or to sign-up at [email protected].
The yearbook staff is working hard to create a book that we hope all will treasure. In order to create the best possible yearbook, we are extending our timeline. Unfortunately, this means that yearbooks will arrive in early July. We know that this may be disappointing and we hope that you can understand that we are doing our best under difficult circumstances. And some of us BHS leaders work throughout the summer so we will consider how to supervise and support a yearbook distribution and signing day even if it is in July.
We will send out more information and opportunities to contribute soon. For now, here are some important announcements.
· Yearbook and ad purchase deadlines are extended!
o Deadline to buy a personalized yearbook has passed - https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1066230/Brookline-High-School/2021-Yearbook/20200929043335950135/CATALOG_SHOP/
o May 1st - Deadline to buy a non-personalized yearbook or donate a yearbook.
o May 1st - Deadline to purchase a yearbook ad - https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/yearbook-ads?utm_source=exacttarget&utm_medium=email&utm_term=All%20Subscribers&utm_content=YBK-ADS-Comp1-CTA-Button&utm_campaign=YBK_MER621381570_ADS_SENIOR_NONBUYER__20210317
· Students with free/reduced lunch (documented in Aspen/X2) may purchase yearbooks at a discounted price of $75. Payments must be made by check. Please make checks payable to Public Schools of Brookline and write the student's name in the memo. Checks can be dropped off at the office of the Unified Arts Building (UAB).
· Pre-ordered books will be shipped directly to home addresses. The price of shipping will be included in your purchase of a yearbook.
· Yearbook signing for students! We will offer a virtual yearbook signing in May (just like we did last year). Students will be able to print out their virtually signed pages and add them to their book when it arrives. This year, we will also give students an opportunity to handwrite messages to the class of 2021 and we will add them to the autograph pages (we will also leave blank space for your individual signatures).
Are you aware of the New England Tuition Break program? Basically, if you are accepted to one of the New England STATE schools, you can go there for Mass State Tuition cost IF you are interested in majoring in a concentration that is not offered in MA. To find the list of majors, discounts, and universities, go here: https://nebhe.org/tuitionbreak/find-a-program/ Last year, one of our students went to UConn for the price of UMass by participating in this program. Please email me if you have any questions! [email protected] BHS College Counselor
Brimmer & May School is happy to announce their first College Essay Writing Bootcamp this summer! This camp is open to all rising seniors who are interested in getting a jumpstart on their college essay, including editing and feedback by our college counselors (and former college admissions professionals). At the conclusion of this one week experience, students will leave with an edited draft of their college essay and a number of tips and tricks to guide them through their additional supplemental essays.
Please find the attached flyer with more information, including pricing, dates, and the registration link.
Questions? Reach out to the Brimmer and May Director of Summer Programs, Cassie Abodeely, at [email protected]
By the second semester of junior year, family stress ramps up significantly as students try to balance schoolwork, study for SATS, look into colleges or other post-BHS options, etc. All of this comes with a lot of internal and external judgment, even during years when COVID is not an issue. How can families be supportive without adding to the pressure? This year’s BHS Peer Leaders have put together some excellent tips to consider in the Parent Tip Sheet Student Suggestions to Parents for Helping with College/Post-High School Planning - https://www.b-pen.org/uploads/2/9/2/9/2929884/jr._parent_tip_sheet.pdf?mc_cid=95767123c3&mc_eid=ca3683a655pen.org/uploads/2/9/2/9/2929884/jr._parent_tip_sheet.pdf?mc_cid=95767123c3&mc_eid=ca3683a655
There are still opportunities to attend some virtual COLLEGE FAIRS!
National Portfolio Days
Students can register to attend any of the free, online National Portfolio Days. Copy and paste this link to your browser - https://nationalportfolioday.org/about-national-portfolio-day-events/
Upcoming dates include:
Friday May 7th 10am-4pm CST
Upon registering, participating students will receive information on how to upload their portfolio for the virtual reviews. Representatives will access their work while the review happens virtually on the day/time of the scheduled event.
NACAC Virtual College Fair - https://virtualcollegefairs.org/events
Register for any or all of these dates:
May 2 – 597 International and US Colleges and Universities
EXCELLENT FREE ONLINE RESOURCE for all topics related to the college search, application and financial consideration process – COLLEGE GUIDANCE NETWORK - https://www.collegeguidancenetwork.com/
- The most recent April 14 webinar on The College Search: Who’s in the Driver’s Seat can be very helpful for parents/ caregivers AND juniors in the college search process
- Another CGN webinar highlight from October 2020 – Money Matters: College Affordability and Financial Aid 101 (in 2 parts)
- Check out the entire CGN episode library under their “episode” link, as well as sign up for upcoming webinars. The information shared and the panelists are on target and can be a great addition to your conversations with your BHS counselor and BHS College Counselor Lenny Libenzon
Check out this website if you are a student with diagnosed learning differences and have an IEP or Accommodations Plan (504 or ICap) – LDadvisory.com/families_students/
BHS Guidance DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY SPECIFIC PRIVATE COMPANY FOR TUTORING OR CONSULTING but this site does offer FREE and accurate insights on college topics for students with LD or ADHD.
Take 3-4 minutes each to view these youtube messages:
- What Students With Disabilities Should Do Before They Enroll in College
- When Students with Disabilities Should Register with College Disability Services Offices
- Benefits of Students Registering for College Disability Services/Accommodations After Depositing/ Enrolling to College
College Admissions Boot Camp – Free webinar sessions on topics important to the college application process. Sponsored by NEARR (New England Area Regional Representatives).
Registration is required - https://regionalreps.org/admissions-bootcamp
Thinking about a Gap Year after graduation? Here’s a resource for free gap year specific webinars - https://www.gooverseas.com/gap-year/usa-fairs/schedule
BHS Librarians are offering FREE online ACT/ SAT/ TOEFL test prep support continues. Any junior can register for any or all sessions to support their admissions testing preparation. Check out the attached flyer and register here - https://forms.gle/2y1uxvhMs9j7xW2M7
BHS Counselors and Hub Advisors are working together to help 10th graders think about Career Exploration in current hub/advisory classes over the next weeks:
- Thinking of Life after High School and how BHS resources can be used
- Logging on to MEFA Pathways and Exploring Careers
- Matching Career Exploration and BHS Opportunities
- BHS Counselor Coffee Talk – “This Is My Story”
Gr 9 Counselors continue to connect with their students in Hubs during CTOs (Counselors Take Over!) – Who Would You Like To Be in 5-10 Years?