Thanks again to everyone who reads these updates from BHS Guidance! As BHS Guidance/Counseling Coordinator, I plan to continue these weekly updates for the 2019-20 school year. If you have any constructive feedback about these updates, please feel free to contact me individually at [email protected].
Quarter 4 Progress Reports (IPRs) for students in Gr 9-11 were uploaded to the student and parent portals last Thurs May 23. Please be sure to check these reports to get the latest updates on your student’s progress as we near the end of the school year and final exams.
End of year schedule for all students Grades 9-11:
Mon. 6/17 - Last day of classes; all blocks meet
Tue. 6/18 - Social Studies and Math Exams
Wed. 6/19 - English and Science Exams
Thu. 6/20 - Exam Make-up Day
Fri. 6/21 - Last Day of school; noon dismissal
Brookline High School's Summer School is a dynamic learning opportunity offering original credit, credit recovery and enrichment courses for students in grades 6-12. Summer School will be held at the Old Lincoln School (194 Boylston St) from July 1st - Aug 2nd. More information can be found in the course catalog.
The BHS Guidance Dept especially notes the new summer school course:
8:30-11:00 ½ credit
Internship - The Career Education Internship Experience offers students the opportunity to earn credit for successful performance at an unpaid internship. Internships will be arranged with the support of the career counselor.
Pre-Internship - This introductory experience is for students who wish to develop job-related competencies that will prepare them for placement at an internship. This career seminar course will students to reflect on their individual strengths, personality attributes, as well as their interests and values, and connect them to potential career paths.
Open to: BHS students (Rising 10-12 graders CAN receive BHS credit for this course)
Students in Grades 9-12 – Join Lunch Lounge!
FOR ALL LUNCHES EVERY FRIDAY (Room 277) AND TUESDAYS (Room 279) THROUGH MID-MAY! These alternative lunch spaces offer a place for fun conversation, a board game competition, or having your own quiet lunch. Thanks again for the support from a small group of BHS faculty, interns and our BHS nurses. BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH ON TUESDAYS!
Any student can join for one Tuesday or Friday lunch or become a regular. Pizza will continue at the Friday lunches only.
Please note that the link MySchoolBucks is now operating to accept all prom payments.
Seniors’ last day of school is this Friday 5/31.
Prom - Monday evening June 3 with the ATTP Party afterwards at BHS
Senior Checkout and Senior Day – Thursday June 6
Graduation – Sunday June 9
ONLY 1 WEEK OF SCHOOL AT BHS REMAIN FOR YOU– Please consider these things-
** If you do not plan to attend college next year and do not have a productive plan post-graduation, we are here to help! Please see your counselor, Lenny Libenzon – College Counselor, and/or Kate Cordner – Career Counselor for ideas on next steps.
** Please complete the REQUIRED online Senior Survey on Naviance now! Open your Naviance account, click on About Me, then - My Surveys - Surveys Not Started - Senior Survey. If you do it now, you will not have to complete it during the senior check-out day on May 6 and can enjoy Senior Day sooner.
** Reminder: if you have not filled out the green final transcript form, you need to do that ASAP. You can find the form in room 161 or 280. We need it to send your final transcript to the college you chose.
** While finishing your BHS career, be sure to keep up with your work and attend classes! Senioritis is very real at this time of year. Read this article for some ideas on getting through and focusing positively on yourself -
** Consider saying thank you to those BHS faculty members who supported you and/or wrote recommendations for you as you worked through your post high school planning process.. and your BHS experience overall. A short, caring note goes a long way!
It’s time to complete and turn in your Brag Sheet (parents/guardians) and Junior Questionnaire (students). This information was shared with all juniors during seminars in February and March, also included in students’ junior seminar packets. Counselors request that these forms be returned to their offices by June 2019. Your cooperation supports counselors having details to write their counselor recommendation writing for college applications.
Thse documents are located on the BHS Guidance website and will be attached to the weekly guidance update email to each student.
Free/ less expensive ways to prepare for College Admissions Tests:
How to navigate FREE online college admissions Test Prep sites - Brought to you by the BHS Library and School Counseling Department
Attend any one of these introductions to free online test prep sources:
Who: BHS rising Seniors
What: Students preparing for SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or AP tests
Where: BHS Library
When: Thursdays May 30th and June 13th, X Block, rm. 277
After school May 30th, June 12th, June 13th
Wednesdays E Block, June 12th
BHS Summer School course-
COLLEGE TEST PREPARATION: 8:30-11:00 or 11:00-1:30 enrichment
PSAT/SAT and ACT Test Prep)\This course is designed to familiarize students with the newly revised Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Exam Board (CEEB) and the American College Testing (ACT) exams. This class will focus on the SAT, but if many of the students are taking both tests (SAT & ACT) the course can become even more individualized for student’s preferences and needs. Students will be provided with test taking skills, sample questions, and full-length tests. Recommended for rising 11 and 12th graders. With our specific instruction, students have achieved results comparable with those promised by private SAT/ACT prep courses. Session I and II verbal will present the same material. Session I and II math will present the same material. (Tuition includes the cost of the official College Board textbook).
Session I: 7/1 - 7/19
SU0016-1 8:30-11:00 Verbal
SU0016-2 11:00-1:30 Mathematics
SU0016-3 8:30-11:00 Mathematics
SU0016-4 11:00-1:30 Verbal
College Board offers eight official SAT practice tests available for free, both online and on paper -
BHS does not endorse any college admissions test prep company but here is some information you may find helpful - Summit offers free proctored practice tests every weekend in their Newton office, both with regular and extended time. Other locations include Peabody, North Andover, and the Cape (summer only). Here is the link for the schedule of our upcoming test dates and locations:
Additionally, we can mail students a practice test if they are unable to make it to one of our testing locations.
Rob Fisher
Assistant Director of Educational Partnerships
Summit Educational Group, Inc.
61R Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02458
P: 617.831.4375
O: 617.581.6249
Researching colleges? Wondering whether to take the SAT, ACT, or go test-optional? Thinking about when you should take these tests? Make an appointment with your counselor (email or leave a note, if needed) OR see Mr Libenzon, BHS College Counselor, in College-Career Center 279 or office 280