This week is a four day school week with Monday 9/26 off for Rosh Hashanah. Please see the 4 day week schedule on the attached document shared on this email.
Next week will also be a 4 day school week with Wed 10/5 off for the Yom Kippur holiday.
If a student has questions/concerns or just wants to say hello to their counselor, please encourage your student to stop by their counselor’s office when not in class. If the counselor is busy with another student or attending a meeting, advise your student to leave a note or send an email to their counselor.. We’re here and ready to support EVERY BHS student!
As I’ve done in the past, all NEW UPDATES will be highlighted in BLUE each week for easy scanning of newest info!
All PTO information, including evening events with BHS Deans, can be found by grade level on this site -
Students love snacks in our counseling offices at both 22 Tappan and 115 Greenough! If you’d like to donate by sharing your favorite snack from Amazon, please click this link -
Thank you!
You will find this school year’s BHS schedule and the PSB district calendar attached to this email.
I’ve also attached the 2022-23 Grading Timeline so students/families know when terms begin and end, plus IPR and report card sharing dates and other helpful information.
Find an attached one page document of essential reminders to students and families about attendance, technology, and other important info…..
USDA continues free lunches for any Brookline student for this school year 2022-23, regardless of meal eligibility – go to
School Photo make up day is in Schluntz Gym on Nov. 9th, between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm. This is the only make-up day for both staff and students.This is also the time for picture retakes, if needed. Students should go to the Schluntz Gym on their own during the day but not miss any class time.
Two branches of BHS government are accepting applicants: Student Council and Judiciary! More information below about deadlines and process!
Student Council- In addition to the 17 students who serve in the legislature, there are 8 extra spots on the student council that are open to any grade level student at BHS. Student council meets every week, during faculty collab time. Student council acts as an advisory group to the legislature, sometimes crafting bills to send to the legislature. They also engage the student body on whatever issues they deem important and they are the body that allocates all club funding.
- Must be elected to this position, but not by the student body. The election happens by coming to the first student council meeting and making a short speech to the newly elected members of the legislature. These representatives vote on who will fill the 8 extra spots.
- Timeline below with more explanations
- NO APPLICATION NECESSARY. Simply come to the meeting on Tuesday 10/4 in room 403 at 2:00 pm (during Faculty Collaboration time).
Judiciary- In addition to the Legislature and Student Council, BHS has a student/faculty judiciary. You may not serve on the judiciary if you are in the Legislature or Student Council. Judiciary is a branch of the BHS government that helps students understand their rights under the handbook. When a student believes that their rights have been violated, they can appeal to the judiciary to help them sort out the problem. Judiciary is not an elective process. When there are seats available on Judiciary, the current members interview interested students and pick the strongest candidates to join them.
- This year, there are multiple open spots on Judiciary.
- APPLICATION will be due September 30th @ 11:59 pm. Students will be chosen/notified by Oct 14th, 2022.
Taking an AP course at BHS? AP Registration opened last Monday -
The 2023 AP Registration will opened Monday September 19th. Please see the attached letter below with details about how to register. PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE TWO STEPS TO REGISTER, YOU MUST COMPLETE BOTH STEPS!
PSB can offer financial assistance for school activities to qualified families -
- Go to this PSB link -
- The form can be filled out on your computer and, with the supporting documents, emailed to [email protected]. We accept photos and scans of all the documents.
- You can contact your school's secretary if you need help emailing the documents.
- This application procedure covers most school fees in the full school year: fees for Athletics, Instrumental Music, and other program and field trip fees.
- This application procedure covers Brookline Early Education Program Tuition.
- This application procedure does not cover optional field trips or programs and school lunch, which require a separate application for Free/Reduced fees
- In order to maintain your eligibility for this school year, you MUST submit a new application, along with current supporting documents.
Lunch Lounge is back at BHS - 115 campus!
All students in Grades 9-12…..Social Lunch/ Lunch Lounge is offered for all students who may or may not have some social connections in classes, including new to BHS students. It is a welcoming, inclusive drop-in lunch community that engages kids with the “social scaffolding” of friendly conversation, other kids interested in making friends, and a warm and familiar staff member. Games, drawing materials and fun is offered… Just bring your own lunch!
Lunch Lounge is offered for these lunch blocks in Room 277 @ the 115 Greenough campus:
Every Monday E block - both lunches
Every Wednesday C block - both lunches
Every Friday E block - both lunches
Support Resources for students outside of BHS:
Do you know a teen in need of support who is currently vaping or using other nicotine products? Our long-running Project CONNECT support group has been adapted so students can connect virtually with a skilled facilitator and other teens to gain skills to promote a healthier life stye. This is a grant funded, 6-week virtual group that will be starting October 3rd at 5:30 EST. Attached is a PDF with more information about the program and information on how to register.
Tasha Thomas, MA
Caron Treatment Center
Comprehensive Addiction Treatment. Recovery for Life.
[email protected]
800-678-2332 ext 6117 (Main SAP Office)
Clubs at BHS:
Keep in mind that students can join most clubs during any point in the school year, not just on the sign up day at the Club Fair. The current list of clubs can be found on this link - - from the BHS website homepage. An online Club Fair slideshow will also be available soon!
BHS Outdoor Adventure Club 22-23
Welcome Adventurer! Facilitated by BHS social worker Paul Epstein
Some basic info on the club:
-Open to anyone, no special experience or skill required.
-No weekly meeting time during school. Occasional non-mandatory planning meetings either x block or after school.
-Goal is to have a minimum of 2 cool adventures each month, year round.
-Adventures will often be on weekends, but sometimes after school too. We might get crazy and do one or two before school too, or even an overnight one.
-Come whenever you want, no need to make all of them.
-We are looking for student leaders. If you want to step up and help with club planning and organization, let me know.
-We'll have a range of adventures - some super easy like walks in the woods or s'mores campfires, others more hard-core like hiking a rugged mountain. But the club is committed to doing our best to make sure anyone can do some version of each outing. This includes accessibility to students with any type of disability.
-One of the goals is also for members to socialize, meet new people, and connect in the real world.
-Might try something new this year too. If anyone has a small group of friends and wants help organizing a special personalized outing, we can try to set some of those up too.
-I'd like to use both email and text to communicate with you all, so please email me back with your cell number - [email protected]
The first club planning meeting will be in STEM Commons (first floor of new STEM wing, near Tappan Green restaurant) after school this Wednesday the 28th. This will time to meet each other, go over any upcoming adventures, and brainstorm outings for the fall, winter, and spring. And remember, there are opportunities to become a club leader helping me organize and plan.
The SGC Minecraft Server is now open for this year!
All skill levels and members are welcome! Join here:
Community Service Opportunities for BHS Students:
Tutoring services are being offered by a group of high-achieving Brookline High School students! Brookline Youth Tutoring and Enrichment is a non-profit organization founded in 2019 by a BHS student that offers tutoring in exchange for donations to mental health research. Our organization is well-renowned, helping over 50 students, raising over $30,000, and receiving outstanding reviews. One-on-one tutoring lessons in all subjects are catered to the student's needs and tutors are experienced, flexible, patient, and responsible. Tutors can help review material, get a head start on future material, prep for standardized tests, or teach new subjects. Please visit our website, or contact [email protected] for more information.
BYTE Management
MA Partnerships for Youth 2022-2023 Poster & Public Service Announcement (PSA) Competition -
The Theme for This School Year’s Project is: THE EARTH LOVES YOU. LOVE IT BACK.
Suggested Topics for Posters and PSAs include:
● Reduce Paper Consumption
● Save Electricity
● Save Water
● Bring Reusable Bags to the Grocery Store
● Walk to School or Take a Bike. Carpool when Possible
● Download an Environmental App
● Start an Environmental Club
● Educate Others on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
● Recycle, Recycle, Recycle
● Buy a Water Bottle and Fill it at
● Turn Off Your Phone
● Don’t Send Chemicals into our Waterways
● Plant a Tree
● Protect Our Environment and Safeguard our Natural Resources
This year’s theme is based on the continued movement to be Green and Sustainable. Our Earth depends on YOU to educate and help others become more environmentally friendly and conscientious.
The deadline for POSTER submissions is Friday, January 20, 2023. The deadline for PSA submissions is Friday, April 28, 2023.
- Poster Project Student Application link:
- PSA Student Application link:
For additional information, please contact Margie Daniels, Executive Director at [email protected]
Language Virtual is looking for new teachers! About us: Language Virtual is a global community of students who are either teaching, or learning English. We connect students all around our world through 1-on-1 English lessons. Currently, we have students in around 15 countries including Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Nicaragua. How the process works: Once a student signs up, we match them with a high school teacher and the student can contact the teacher directly about scheduling. Usually the teaching sessions are only 30min-1hour long and you receive community service hours. You can view our website for more details and the sign up pages:
Teacher sign up page: Not someone who wants to read through our website? Watch this video:
What you will be teaching: You will teach English to your assigned student through conversations, vocabulary, grammar, or homework help. You and the student can establish what they would like to work on in the 1st lesson. Don't worry about not speaking the same language as your student, they will know enough English to communicate on the basic level.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me at [email protected].
Want to become a tutor? Join Study Buddy Tutoring! Study Buddy Tutoring (SBT) is a non-profit student-run tutoring organization for students of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels in the Greater Boston area. Our mission is to provide a free, high-quality learning experience to help students of all kinds. We look to support students with the difficulties brought by the pandemic, including the shortcomings of remote learning. We also aim to combat inequality in education by supporting disadvantaged students through tutoring and fundraising for local education charities.
Although the organization was founded during the pandemic, we are happy to announce that tutors and students will have the option to meet in person this year in addition to our remote program. Our program provides tutoring for students of all ages and students can be tutored in any subject. Tutors and students will be matched up depending on the subject and teaching preferences.
Why you should join:
1. We have students currently awaiting tutors.
2. Community service hours can be earned into school credits. (50 hours= 0.25 credits).
3. It looks great on college apps!
If interested in joining as a tutor, please fill out this google form: or email us at [email protected]
Student Directors of the Brookline Tutor Mentor Program (BTMP) are looking for tutors. The BTMP was founded in 2014 with the goal of connecting high-schoolers and middle schoolers both through academics and a supportive mentor system. We individually pair middle school students and high-achieving high school tutors based on students’ academic needs and interests. We aim to offer a tutor and a role model for kids who are struggling academically, need an extra challenge, or just want a friend. The Brookline Tutor Mentor Program is looking to recruit high schoolers to tutor and guide middle school kids. Being a tutor-mentor is one of the most fulfilling positions in the community. Not only will you receive community service hours and a good addition to your resume, but as a high school student, tutoring gives you an opportunity to truly engage with and support a middle school student. Whether they are struggling with school or need advice from a friendly face, the tutor-mentor program is their rock that can be relied on at any time. As role models, our job is to motivate young students and aid them in growing into mature young adults. Students and their mentors often create deep bonds that transcend age differences and continue even beyond the Tutor-Mentor Program.
Please note: This year, the BTMP schedule is completely remote for the time being due to COVID-19. Because of this, tutoring hours are flexible! Tutors will be offered a large selection of times to meet with their students. If you apply, please regularly check your email for updates on meeting times, etc. If you are interested in giving back, earning community service hours, and adding something meaningful and unique to your resume, apply at Please email [email protected] if you have any questions!
Career Exploration info for BHS students:
BHS Career Counselor - Career Exploration is here!
Find Ms Kennedy, the BHS Career Counselor, at both BHS buildings:
Ms. Kennedy’s Schedule 2022/ 2023
@ 22 Tappen rm 237 Monday, Tuesday, Friday ALL DAY AND
Wednesdays 8:20- 10am (A & T block), Thursdays 1-3pm (E & F block)
@ 115 Greenough Street rm 280/ 279 (The College and Career Center)
Wednesdays 10am- 2:15pm (X, D and E block) AND
Thursdays 8:20- 1pm (A, B, D and G block)
Another nonBHS Career Opportunity- BHS students can attend on their own:
UMass Amherst Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day for High School Girls*
Monday, October 31st, 2022
Lincoln Campus Center, UMass Amherst
8:45 am to 1:15 pm (breakfast snack and lunch provided**)
$20 for students (scholarships available). Free for teachers and industry.
*While the event is geared towards high school girls, all genders are welcome.
** Lunch will be vegetarian but NOT vegan nor gluten free. Students may purchase other options with chaperone permission upstairs in the campus center.
Keynote Speaker: Monique Farrell, B.S. '14 Chemical Engineering and a native of Springfield, MA!
The UMass Amherst College of Engineering, in cooperation with the College of Information and Computer Sciences, will again be hosting our annual Career Day for regional high schools. For full and most up-to-date details please see our webpage.
All (students, teachers, industry collaborators, and volunteers) should register through Eventbrite for sign-in, name badges, and indicating specific needs.
Ways to Pay Student Registration Fee:
Unfortunately, UMass cannot take payment through Eventbrite. Here are the options for payment:
- Day of event by cash, check (payable to UMass Amherst), or credit card
- (Site currently down) On-line via credit card »
- By Purchase Order
- By check (payable to University of Massachusetts, Mail to - Attn: Jessica Kazmier, College of Engineering - UMass, 127 Marston Hall, 130 Natural Resources Way, Amherst, MA 01003)
- Scholarship inquiries should be directed to Dr. Paula Rees via [email protected]
Registration for The Senior College Essay Writing Workshop is still LIVE! Registration will close at 12:00 p.m. on September 30th . We will have limited space for walk-ins, but pre-registering is preferred.
The workshop will take place on Sunday, October 2, 2022, at BHS from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 pm. This is a traditional BHS event open to BHS seniors at every stage of their college essay process. Students will have the chance to work with BHS teachers and parent/guardians volunteers to move from ideas, to outlines, editing, and finished essays for their college applications. Please note that only seniors may participate.
Please use the link below to register:
We also need parents/guardians --who have children in all grades --to come join the crew. Parents/guardians may register using the same link (above).
If you have any questions, please contact Liz Stillman ([email protected]) or Beth Jones ([email protected]).
Other application essay writing support at BHS:
- Check in with your counselor or Mr Libenzon (BHS College Counselor) for essay support too!
- We continue to recommend the College Essay Guy website for lots of great FREE advice for seniors and essay writing suggestions -
Parents of Seniors - Here’s a short but very important read as you support your 12th grader through this school year - To Parents of High School Seniors: 9 Important Reminders from Grown and Flown:
Ms. McIntosh, the Gr 12 Deans Secretary, is asking all of you to fill out the mandatory Cap& Gown form for the graduation.
Here is the link:
BHS seniors and families are invited to the Nashoba Regional High School's MA State College Fair, open to all local families and students - Tuesday Oct 18, 2022, 6-8pm.
See attached flyer for more info.
Thanks to the 157 parents/guardians who joined the SENIOR PARENT NIGHT zoom Lenny Libenzon presented on the "nuts and bolts" of applying to college from BHS.
Topics included: "releasing" transcripts from BHS, Early Action and Early Decision, college essay tips, and more. We also covered some basic information regarding Gap Year, military, and employment resources, as well as updates about admissions and BHS specific info from the Class of 2022.
If you missed the live zoom, you can view the recording of Lenny Libenzon’s
presentation here:
Zoom Recording (please note passcode below)
Passcode: d%1Re?#f
The essential BHS College Application Guide is attached to this email too.
Parents of Seniors - Help out your student and complete the Parent “Brag” Sheet to share with your student’s counselor. This info will help the counselor write an even stronger college recommendation for your senior! And you can share your pride in your student’s achievements! See attached Parent Brag form
Students - Be sure to complete the Self-Questionnaire Form to hand off to your counselor. This info will also help your counselor write the most thorough and supportive recommendation letter for you. See attached sheets #1 and #2
Reminder - College Representatives are now virtually meeting with BHS Seniors.
Every fall, BHS hosts admission counselors from many of our top universities. They come specifically to talk to you and answer your questions. It is a great opportunity for you to connect to colleges without traveling! This year, the visits will be virtual, and after school (starting at 4 pm). You will need to sign up for visits through Naviance ( Please take a look at this list and sign up. If you need help logging in to Naviance, email Lenny Libenzon or your counselor.
Rep visits at BHS will start Monday 9/19 – Seniors can attend any and all college sessions of schools they plan to or are interested in attending. The schedule and REQUIRED zoom link registration can be found on your Naviance homepage. This is a wonderful way to learn more about colleges, ask important questions, and show demonstrated interest!
SENIORS– READ YOUR EMAILS! Especially if you are applying to college this Fall!
Seniors - You will be asked to review your unofficial transcript for any missing classes or errors in your upcoming senior seminars. Contact your counselor with any questions or concerns.
It is your responsibility to be sure your transcript is accurate before giving BHS permission to send to any colleges or post HS grad programs.
You should be checking that you are earning all required credits towards graduation this June 2023 too.
English- 4 credits
Science - 3 credits
Social Studies/History - 3 credits including US History
Math - 3 credits (4 years required for UMass State colleges/universities)
World Language - 2 credits (same language)
Elective - 3 credits distributed across Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Career/Tech, Community Service
Wellness - .5 Lifetime Wellness, 3 - .25 wellness credits
+ additional credits to earn minimum total credits of 22
We will not be sharing any GPA information with colleges on official transcripts. See your Naviance account for your current “working” BHS GPA.
College Application Reminders:
Help the BHS counselors and teachers support your application process by meeting these deadlines. Submit your electronic transcript release forms, your self-questionnaire, your parent/caregiver’s “brag” sheet, and give notice to your teachers who have agreed to write recommendations for you.
College Deadline BHS Deadline
November 1 Monday, Oct 3
November 15 Monday, Oct 19
December 1 Tuesday, Nov 1
December 15 Tuesday, November 15
January 1 Wednesday, November 30
(includes no school December break)
January 15 Monday, December 12
February 1 Tuesday, January 3
February 15 Wednesday, January 18
These important deadline dates are also on the document shared with seniors.
Seniors – When submitting your transcript release forms electronically, please:
- use the updated link shared by your counselor
- be sure to list your college names and addresses CORRECTLY AS THEY APPEAR OFFICIALLY ON THE COLLEGE’S WEBSITE OR NAVIANCE. The processing of your request is slowed down by not including the official name of the college or putting in wrong information.
SAT Prep?
Brookline Adult Ed is offering good prep classes at lower cost (or possible financial aid) . The SAT prep class begins this Tuesday on 9/27 and will run at BHS. Financial aid is available to those who qualify. See the attached flyer for more info.
It’s time to think about financial aid for college…
Helpful Grown and Flown website article with financial aid tips and a walk-through to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). -
The starting date in which the FAFSA can be submitted is October 1, 2022. BHS will be joining with MEFA (MA Educational Financing Authority) to offer the FAFSA Festival on Tues 10/25/22 from 4-8pm - virtual 1:1 FREE support for seniors/families to work with a qualified financial aid advisor to complete the FAFSA form. More details coming soon!
The BHS Counselors understand that financial considerations play a critical role in college planning for many of our students. Please consider attending one or many of the free online workshops offered by MEFA (MA Educational Financing Authority):
Understanding the FAFSA - Thurs 9/22/22, 12-1pm Register @
What to Know about the CSS Profile - Tues 9/27/22, 12-1pm Register @
Financial Aid 101 - multiple dates - 9/28, 10/6, 10/11, 10/20 all @ 6:30pm Register @
Seniors only - FAFSA Festival - BHS works directly with MEFA to offer 1:1 virtual support to get the FAFSA / Financial Aid form completed - Tues 10/25/22, 4-8pm- More info to come
Starting to think about scholarships for college? See the attached Scholarship website resource finder for FREE options to help you!
BHS will be offering the Saturday PSAT on October 15, 2022 at the high school. Online registration has started and will continue until Friday October 7. Please see the attached PSAT registration info sheet on this email for more information. Info sheets can also be found in the 285 counseling suite at the 115 Greenough building.
This is a test normed for juniors in high school so we recommend that most BHS juniors try this practice test.
The information will help guide planning regarding testing in each student’s college application process.
Take a look at the BHS Junior Timeline document attached to this email. You can take on junior year with good planning and less stress! Talk to your assigned counselor if you have any questions.
10th Graders and Parents of sophomores -
Did you miss the virtual “coffee break” presentation this past Tues 9/20 on zoom?
The counselors of sophomores introduced themselves and shared important topics to keep 10th grader on track for a great start to the school year!
Here's the recording link:
Hope your school year has started off well!
Stop by the 231 Counseling Suite at 22 Tappan when you have a free minute to say hello to your counselor - Ms Kennedy, Ms Young, Ms Bent, Mr Gorman, and Ms Neff-Verre (subbing for Ms Aggeler until her return from maternity leave in early November). Ms Figueroa is a counselor and dean for some 9th graders too!
Counselors will be spending time in your T block Hubs starting the week of Oct 6 for more introductions and a guidance seminar in circle format. See you soon!