The student must be ages 14-21 (priority given to 16+)
- Be able to work 15-20/week (dependent on site hours)
- Be able to work virtually or in person if needed (depending on site restrictions or job assignment)
- Be able to commit to weekly LIVE Signal Success training (mandatory)
YW Eligibility
- Low Income
- Free or Reduced Lunch
- In the 20 percent vulnerable youth category
- Homeless
- Foster Youth
- Poor academics - either MCAS Level 1 or 2 OR at least one year behind grade level in credits
- Child of a single working parent
- Limited English Skills
- Teen Parent
- Juvenile arrest, Court-involved, gang-involved, probation
- Has a physical disability
- Student on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan
- Former Foster Youth who has aged out
- DYS Committed
- DCF - CRA (formerly called CHIN) or DCF involved
Please have all students interested fill out the application. (