Zamora was a city full of antique churches and castles, some of which were built as far back as the eleventh century. The architecture was very similar to our host city of Salamanca, narrow cobble stone roads and intricate balconies, but there were much fewer people and the feeling was much more tranquil. While inside the walls of Zamora, our group was able to hear the relaxing sound of surrounding birds singing their evening chorus. The sun was shining bright during our visit to Zamora, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the temperature was perfect for exploring the ancient city. When a few of us reached the top of the old sandstone castle, the view of the Spanish country side and 'el rio Duero' was absolutely breathtaking. While on our way back to the bus, we were allowed time to indulge in our share of Zamoran pastries and beverages. - Robert Bizier