Superintendent Budget Message highlights enrollment growth, citing two years of higher than normal enrollments
School Committee commissions MGT, an educational consulting firm, to complete a Facilities Master Plan and Demographics analysis to anticipate and plan for system-wide growth and needs
Town/School Facilities Committee created (Town, School, Building, and Planning Department staffs plus Advisory Committee and elected officials) to monitor enrollments and capital implications of growth
Kindergarten enrollments exceed Facilities Master Plan projection; School Department commissions MGT to update its demographic projections;
MGT adjusts enrollment projections upward and advises that an aggressive approach to expansion needs to be undertaken to meet the known future demand, including potential expansion of BHS
Final Enrollment, Capacity, and Utilization Study published by MGT
The Committee on Brookline School Population and Capital Exploration (B-SPACE) is created.
B-SPACE Committee publishes their final report and recommendations. School Committee votes to direct the Superintendent to engage in further study regarding how to maximize the use, whether by efficiency and/or expansion, of Brookline High School. HMFH Architects is hired to develop a concept study.
Community Visioning Sessions with BHS Staff. Families, Community Members and Town Boards to determine guiding principles for design and learning.
Formation of the BHS Expansion Design Working Group. Work begins on the BHS Education Plan.
Brookline Board of Selectmen, School Committee, and Advisory Committee all vote to forego partnering with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) in order to accelerate the project, create additional design flexibility, and reduce total costs of the project.
Formation of the Brookline High School Expansion Building Committee. HMFH Architects hired to conduct Design Feasibility Study.
HMFH submits four Preliminary Design Options with Cost Estimates to the Building Committee for consideration; Building Committee unanimously selects Design Option 4D as the preferred design option. Option 4D includes a new building at the corner of Tappan and Cypress Streets, a new Science Center at Greenough and Tappan, improvements at the Tappan Gym, and renovations on the 3rd floor of 115 Greenough.
Building Committee holds seven public meetings, three community updates, and two public hearings to solicit feedback.
In May 2017, Town Meeting voted strongly in favor of moving forward the Brookline High School Renovation and Expansion project into the Schematic Design Phase. The 216 to 1 vote to allocate $1.85 million allows the BHS Building Committee and architects further develop the design for Preferred Design “Option 4D”.
In November 2017, Town Meeting voted strongly in favor of acquiring 111 Cypress Street through Eminent Domain, increasing the scope and flexibility of the BHS Expansion project and allowed greater flexibility in revising massing options for Cypress Street and Tappan Street Buildings.
Schematic Design of "Option 4D" revised to include 3D renderings, miniature models, and sample building materials and surfaces.
In May 2018, Brookline voters supported a debt exclusion override to fund the expansion and renovation of Brookline High School. This moves the project to the Design Development phase during which final design, floor plans and architectural drawings will be completed.